“Both chicks ordered are doing well and are very healthy have having them a week. I appreciate that two distinctly different color variations were included in the order to provide some variety to our small flock.”
“I am so pleased with the healthy & vibrant 4 chicks I purchased from Mypetchicken.com. I said yes to the chicks receiving the Marek's vaccination before they were shipped & am glad that I did. I highly recommend Mypetchicken.com. Great customer service, easy to navigate website & quality chicks which I am thoroughly enjoying.”
“I ordered 5 female Easter eggers and they are gorgeous! One is solid white, 3 are yellow/black in color, and 1 is more orange and brown in color! So pleased with them
I received my chicks the week of Jan.23rd and they all just started laying in the last 4-5 weeks! (6-6.5 months old)
So please with all of them! Gorgeous birds and all new to my flock.
Arrived happy and healthy”