“Miss Donna was a beautiful reddish brown chipmunk chick with a unique ‘mask’ pattern over her eyes, and she is such a stunning little lady! She was such a chill little baby, and still loves being held now, she’s one of my sweetest girls in my flock of 6. She turned into a burnt pumpkin orange with black flecks and a hawk like appearance, and green legs- she is gorgeous! Very sweet, polite chicken that gently accepts treats and waits her turn ‘in line’. She just started laying a bright blue, sometimes speckled egg! Every time I walk up to her she does a little pitter-patter with her feet and a squat, giving her the nickname ‘squatta Donna’ Love this sweet lady. Thank you very much!”
Kae, thank you for leaving such a detailed review of your Easter Egger, Donna! She sounds absolutely beautiful and it's a testament to you as a chicken mom to have such a sweet, interactive bird! We appreciate your enthusiasm and wish you many eggs and years of happiness with her!
“Ordered 6 female chicks total and 2 Easter Eggers. They all came alive and peeping both Easter Eggers were thriving and one became a little bossy right away! Love them, thank you, into week 10 and all are alive and thriving!”
“I am happy with all my little ones! They grow so fast and thanks for the excellen customer service whenever I call I always get a reply and are always so caring.”
Susan, we are very happy to hear that your little ones are doing well and we are sure they are absolutely adorable! Thank you for taking time to leave a review and always feel free to let us know if you have any questions as we are happy to help!