“My Ameribella hen is one of my favorite chickens in my flock. She was born in March this year and is just at 20 weeks old. She should start laying soon. We named her Nori, and she is very friendly, loves pets and she jumps up in my lap for cuddles daily. She loves to eat and she is vocal but not loud or noisy at all. She was big as a baby chick very tall, but as she has matured she looks like a standard size hen. Her feathers are black with a beautiful sheen of teal and purple. She has hints of red near the comb and wattles. She has a single comb of good size which helps release heat from her body in our very hot and humid climate during the summer months. She is mostly curious, active and docile but she like any chicken can exert her position in the pecking order. She is not aggressive or mean, she is a wonderful chicken to have in our flock and we are eager to see the eggs she will start laying soon! We always order from My Pet Chicken because they are the best! You can see Nori on Instagram at Coastalcoopandchirps”
Thank you for your review of the Ameribella! I'm so happy to hear that she is sweet and friendly as well as beautiful! We've heard of lots of pretty cream eggs from these girls and we figure there will be no exception for Nori! Keep us in mind for all of your flock's needs. We're always happy to help.
“After moving and starting a new flock, our Ameribella was the first to lay her first creamy colored egg today at 21 weeks old. She’s been squatting for about 3 weeks and hanging out in the nest boxes for the last few days. She has always been one of our favorites and loves to unexpectedly fly up into my arms to be held. She’s a beautiful all black hen with beautiful color in the sun and a bright red, large comb and wattles. I will definitely add more to my flock.”
Thank you for taking the time to review our little Ameribella babies! We are so happy to hear she is doing well and bringing you happiness with her sweet personality! My Pet Chicken hopes to help you with your flock needs in the future!
“Quiet, independent yet social. She's already well blended in her flock, and she's very friendly with other baby chicks so far. She's been calm until she found a piece of lettuce this evening XD. She got so excited that she was running around all over and took it to 'her secret spot' (ie. Brooder) to enjoy. That was simply adorable. Haha. BTW, she arrived here last week, so only couple days old!”
“I received my Ameribella girl in late March as a six week old pullet. She’s lovely, all black, very friendly and curious, and beginning to lay. She’s definitely the bottom of the pecking order. She has a very large floppy comb, which is going to require some special treatment in our -15° to -20° winters. I’m looking forward to seeing how she matures further.”
Thank you for taking the time to review your Ameribella pullet. We're happy to hear your feedback, since this is a newer breed for us. We hope that she lays well for you and supplies your family with lots of eggs!
“The only positive thing I can say about these birds is that they arrived as healthy chicks and grew into healthy pullets. Every other aspect of this bird has been a headache. We ordered 4 "Ameribella" chicks and from the very beginning they were easily spooked and freaked out by human presence. We are longtime chicken people and lovingly raise our birds by hand. The "Ameribella" is scared of people, not friendly, not docile, never interacted with our other chickens, and is most certainly not a "beautiful" bird as MPC claims on the website. Now, I don't need a chicken to be beautiful, and I can learn to love almost any chicken - but the "Ameribella" is an especially ugly bird more resembling a vulture or dinosaur, and I don't appreciate the misrepresentation. All four of these chickens escaped the enclosure many times a day and were extremely destructive to our vegetable garden. Daily destruction to our vegetable garden and landscaping was the last straw. We were forced to relocate them to a farmer friend, and it took us all day to catch them. A horrible bird for a backyard flock. What an expensive mistake. They are too wild to live in domesticity.”
I am sorry to hear that your Ameribella did not meet your expectations. It sounds like this was quite a frustrating experience. We strive to provide accurate and honest descriptions of our breeds, and apologize if the Ameribella fell short in your case. While we have had many positive responses about their calm nature and egg production, an individual chicken's behavior can vary, and your experience is invaluable to us. It's disappointing to know that your birds temperament and behavior did not align with what we advertised and we will definitely consider your feedback as we continue to develop this designer breed. We also regret the trouble they caused to your vegetable garden and the effort required to relocate them. As you consider new breeds in the future, please feel free to reach out to our Flock Care Specialists. Our team has a wealth of personal experience which frequently includes these new breeds, and we can also suggest established breeds with the temperament and traits you are looking for.
“I bought one of these chicks before there were any reviews. They said they were friendly and docile. Mine is not. She’s basically the road runner on cr*ck lol She has been handled since the day I got her, but she is wild. I can’t get near her and if I do she darts away so fast she’s like a ninja. One second she’s here the next she’s gone. She’s beautiful, when you can actually see her lol”
We appreciate your insights on the Ameribella chicks! Since she is a newer breed for My Pet Chicken, all feedback is definitely helpful so we know how these little ones are doing with their flock mates and keepers! As you mentioned you have hand raised her, it could be her own little lovable personality! Perhaps a bit more bribing with her favorite treats that she MUST retrieve from your hand will help her become a bit more calmly trusting? Let us know if we can answer any questions as we are always happy to help!
Thank you Raquel for the wonderful review of your Ameribella! We are delighted to hear about her. They are beautiful with their mostly black feathers and the hints of red. We hope she will continue to be a sweet leader of your flock!
We agree, these little Ameribellas are absolutely adorable and such a great addition to any backyard flock! Please let us know if My Pet Chicken can help you with any of your future flock care needs!