“I still haven‚Äôt decided my thoughts on this breed. I have two Ancona, received the middle of August 2020. Neither of them are really laying, between the two of them I have gotten 10 ‚Äúfairy‚Äù eggs (teeny tiny yoke less eggs). I decided on this breed since the description said ‚Äúgood layers‚Äù. I have gotten a few normal size eggs (maybe 10 between the two of them since the beginning of March). They are coming up to being 10 months old, so wondering at what age do they become ‚Äúgood layers‚Äù? Yes they are very vocal and ‚Äútalk‚Äù to me whenever I enter the coop or run. I‚Äôm really hoping they start laying consistently soon.”
“We ordered one of these chickens after we lost our California Gray and wanted another white egg layer. Our Ancona is a striking bird with much more white than the stock photo here on the site. She has a very large floppy comb and beautiful green hued black feathers. She was late to lay, and so far has eggs on the smaller side. Very pretty in our mixed flock.”
“Our Ancona hatched in Spring 2020 and within 4.5 weeks, we were floored to hear our 'female' chick crow. We had 3 other chicks that weren't auto sexing so maybe Ancona's are harder to sex, but we had to get rid of him due to local laws. He was a bit of a jerk and seemed to chase the other ladies relentlessly in the mornings.”
“Our Ancona loves to perch on our shoulders and get attention. She is very outgoing and friendly. Our family loves Mediterranean breeds because they are generally heat tolerant and intelligent and the Ancona is no exception. Our Ancona has a lot more white on her than the one in the breed photo and looks very flashy. I would recommend this breed to anyone in a warm place with a lot of space who doesn't mind a little chicken noise.”
“This breed lays very nice white eggs, however, very obnoxious loud squawking. I would not recommend this hen for anyone that likes quiet chickens. I am giving mine away.”
“They make a unique sound almost like a song that is indispensable to me now (for the same reason I keep pigeons) and very soothing. We had one that would follow us around and serenade us. They lay well-- I have a 3 year old that just started laying again after her molt (in the middle of the winter!) and one of the first eggs was a double yolk but, then, all of her eggs are large. The white flecks on their wings will get bigger and prettier after successive moltings. They are gentle but not usually super tame though I had one that would follow me around until I would pick her up. Their combs are large so could be prone to frost bite though one of my girl's has a comb that flops over so it stays warmer against her head. Neat breed!”
“I have such a huge amount of respect for my Ancona hen, Hawkeye from my pet chicken. I picked the breed on a whim because I needed one more for a minimum order, but she has become one of my favorites. She is by no means a cuddly chicken, but she is SMART. She knows where the holes in the fences are, and knows she can go through them when I'm not around. Once she sees me, she high tails it back through the hole. She is a wonderful layer of huge white eggs, and always lays in the boxes. A no-nonsense type of gal and easy keeper. I am sold on Anconas.”