“We ordered only ONE from this assortment and received a little black chick with a yellow dot on her head. We thought we had a Barred Plymouth Rock up until she started laying gorgeous olive eggs at 23 weeks!!! She is sweet as can be and will come up to me and be picked up happily. Our little olive egger was the perfect addition to our flock!”
“I ordered 8 girls in late March and they arrived as promised. Two of the girls were a little weak but we gave them some electrolytes and a little cat food. They perked right up. I imagine the trip from Ohio to FL had alot to do with it. Anyhow those girls are thriving and we made it to week two. I lost one baby unfortunately on day 4. Other than that the other 7 are doing great. I definitely got 2 Polish 1 Sumatra and 1 Welsummer. Not quite sure what the other girls are but I'm super excited to watch them grow and find out. Oh yeah and when my girls came the post office called me immediately that morning before they even opened and allowed me to pick them up at 6:30am. If you are needing to know exact date they will be arriving I suggest you get USPS informed delivery. Good Luck Fellow Chicken Friends!!”
“I ordered a 12 various breeds and completed my order with 8 of these rare asst. pullets. From what I can tell, we got 3 Anconas, 2 White Cochins, a Cream Legbar, a Polish and one chipmunk one we haven't identified yet.
Ideally I would have preferred less repeats, but it worked out because I was splitting this order with a friend.
No DOA, shipping was good, babies came a day early. We did lose a Hamburg the day of delivery, which I know is just something that happens, some chicks are just not going to be strong enough. A Sumatra passed also within the 48 hour window for unknown reasons, so "failure to thrive" I guess. MPC was sympathetic, responsive and initiated refunds for these babies right away. Will order again!
One more thing - I initially had an order open with another well known hatchery because I thought their prices were better. But I kept coming back to MPC's website because they don't have the same high minimums for each breed and had a breed I wanted that was sold out elsewhere. Once I added all the chicks I wanted to my cart, I was actually to get even more chicks, a bigger variety, for LESS money than the other hatchery!”
“I ordered 10 of the rare breed assortment and they were delivered in late January. Even though the shipment was delayed by one day due to weather, the chicks arrived overnight the day they were shipped. All were healthy and happy, and now 5 weeks after receiving them they are all big and awesome and my babies. I ordered all females, and I am starting to think a little boy slipped into the mix, but we'll know for sure in a few more weeks. I also noticed one of the chicks I have had some slightly curled toes, but not so drastic that they couldn't walk.
I'm still not sure exactly what all I received (I'm new to chickens and breeds,) but I definitely got an assortment! I had maybe 2 max of the same kind. I'm sure I got a few easter eggers, but they look different. I think I have a couple of marans, maybe a light brown leghorn, a welsummer, and 2 I'm not sure about. Those two are both white and blue and look like EEs, but I don't know. Regardless, I'm not picky and I love them all.
“I love my pet chicken this company has always been reliable and quick. I've ordered from them a couple of times. But the last time I ordered an assortment of rare breed chicks cause I love a good surprise! I don't mind guessing but I know y'all raise chickens period so could y'all maybe take pictures of ALL the breeds thru out the growing process not just the newly hatched chicks and perhaps post them on your site so they are easier to identify. There are quite a few that look so very similar it can be wildly difficult to identify with just a single picture of a few hours old chick. Just a suggestion I hope y'all will consider”
“We ordered 4 of the rare breed assortment. We received 2 lavender orpingtons and two currently unidentified black chicks (possibly Ancona or black marans?). We lost one of the lavender chicks about two weeks in, but the other 3 are very healthy and active. They are a pleasure to watch. We are very excited about the surviving lavender orpington - she is a beautiful bird so far and a great value to receive her in this assortment.”
“This was my first experience with getting mail-order chicks. I was so nervous that they wouldn't make it, but all eight were alive and well when we brought them home form the post office. They're about two weeks old now, healthy and going great. I am pretty sure we got 3 Marans, 2 Cream Legbar, 2 Polish and 1 Orpington. The Marans especially are smart and friendly. Sweet chicks!”