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Mystery Chick from Our Silkie Bantam Assortment Female Reviews

4.6 Rating 21 Reviews
I received them two days after they shipped. I was worried! Finally, I open the box to see the cutest fluff butts. I ordered six, and I received two blacks, two blue, and One white. One worried me for a day, but after some electrolytes, and rest she is now the loudest chick in the bunch.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
We received our 6 chicks yesterday and are in love! They arrived within 1 day of shipping and were all doing great when I picked them up from our local post office. I love that I received a mix of colors. I'm continuing to check for pasty butt, but so far they seem to be thriving. They're active, eating and drinking. Thanks for these beautiful chicks!
2 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I knew this going in but Silkies don't always take shipping well. I ordered five silkies arrive and all five were alive, but one had a prolapsed vent and was half the size of her sisters. She woke up with wry neck after a week of being separated and treatment; she passed shortly after despite vitamin E and care. The rest are healthy, happy, and frolicking around in the brooder. I can't wait until they get as big as their personalities.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I ordered 6 female silkie chicks from this assortment, to surprise myself and see what happens. Well, was I positively surprised! First off they were shipped on a Monday and arrived on a Tuesday which is absolutely amazing. I am so happy they came this quick. They were securely packed and arrived all alive and well. I am delighted to say that they have given me 2 of each color, white/ buff/ black. I am so happy that they put care into the selection of my birds and didn’t just sent me 6 of the same color or something like that. I am very pleased. I have had them for a Couple of days now at home and they are all doing amazing. They don’t even have pasty butts, which usually always happens. I am very very pleased with my pet chicken and will continue to order exclusively from them.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
These are always sold out until mid fall. Waiting till as late as October. Something about the shortages needs to be done.
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Posted 4 years ago
I have raised silkies for 10 years from MyPet Chicken and have raised chicks that the chickens have layed and it's a gamble some live and some die. But My Pet Chicken has been great! It's hard to get female Silkies from Hatcheries, yes ,I've done that and 2 girls and 48 boys. So ,Thank You So Much My Pet Chicken
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Posted 4 years ago
Love my silkies but1 had beak deformity. Did not realize it when they first came , they were way to small but 1 of the white silkies had a severe beak deformity which makes it difficult for her to eat or drink. I have to hand feed this silkie, little dissapointed
1 Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
We ordered 5 silkies. 3 weren't well, and died within a couple of days of receiving. This was really hard for me. I took off work to care for them. The two that made it are very skittish, and run from you if you get near them (even though I handled them as babies). They are always anxious it seems. I love them despite this, and scoop them up every day to snuggle them. They are resistant at first, but will eventually give in, and enjoy a little chicken massage! They are now about 10 weeks old, and I'm hoping they'll eventually chill out.
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Posted 6 years ago