“I received a splash ameracauna that unfortunately developed severe crossbeak. She is almost 7 wks old now & it‚Äôs a super bummer that she has crossbeak so badly, but she is absolutely my favorite chicken. She is so sweet & friendly & although she‚Äôs a time suck when it comes to feeding it‚Äôs been very rewarding to care for her.
I wish I could post a photo because she‚Äôs a cutie.”
“Hershey was a beautiful girl and laid about 6 x-large blue eggs per week. I was really surprised how well she laid. She was friendly although a little shy. Very fun to watch. Unfortunately, a fox got her last week. RIP, sweet little Hershey!”
“My splash Ameraucana is a big girl and started laying at 22 weeks. She‚Äôs easy going yet bold and has a great personality. Very pretty coloring and lovely aqua blue eggs.”
“I ordered a blue ameraucana pullet back in March and she‚Äôs doing great! Has the most fluffiest beard among my other bearded pullets I have. I also ordered a few Easter eggers but I gotta say the ameraucana is much more friendly and not as skittish as the hybrids. Just waiting for her to start laying in a few months! Definitely would get more of these guys in the future!!”
“Ordered two chicks, both are slate gray with darker heads. Very fluffy! with full cheeks. Started laying at about 7 months Eggs are medium to large, with a shiny teal/green hue. Pretty in the yard and integrated well to my flock.”