“Cannot speak to egg color BC we unfortunately had to cull our sweet Mariah due to a broken leg. I can say that she was lovely with silver feathers (no black or splash).”
“Ordered two of these little chicks and now they are 6 months old. Both are blue with dark, very fluffy faces. Nice shape and excellent feathering. Easily acclimated with the rest of the flock. We just got our first egg this week and it is a lovely blue, with a very slight greenish hue. We are happy with the purchase!”
“Update to my earlier review on "Pepper" - still almost bipolar, very talkative, loud at times. She just started laying a pretty blue egg, medium-large. (About the same color as our cream legbar but much larger size) She was the latest to start laying out of my 8 girls in a mixed flock. She's only gotten prettier over time - her "splash" feathers have really come in. Would definitely get this breed again - she's a clown and lays a really pretty egg. Our "Muppet baby".”
“This is a gorgeous bird! She is solid light gray, almost looks like a true lavender. It also appears that she has the chicken form of heterochromia iridis, where her hazel colored eyes are flecked with splotches of greenish/ blue . I‚Äôve never seen anything quite like it and I‚Äôm still struggling to get a good picture . She is very friendly, curious and confident but not aggressive. Not sure what color her eggs will be, but at this point it doesn‚Äôt matter, because her temperament and cheeks are priceless. If they weren‚Äôt so expensive I‚Äôd have lots of these birds.”
“One day Pepper wants to be your friend, the next she wants nothing to do with you. This girl is very funny, she's very active, likes to hunt for lovebugs, and tries to steal food from whoever has a chunk of something good in their mouth rather than just get her own from the bowl. She's a small girl that looks much bigger due to her feathers. She ended up being a splash (hence the name Pepper) and has a cute little fluffy face, which she always gets dirty with food. She is so silly, I'd definitely get an Ameraucana again, but not the friendliest/def not a lap chicken. But if there is food involved- she'll let you touch her to give her something good. I play a game with her where I hold her on my hands and bring her to the love bugs flying around the run so she can catch and eat them in the air. Only 3.5 months so not sure about laying yet.”
“I ordered a Blue Ameraucana in September along with a Welsummer, Green Queen, Jubilee Orpington and Cream Legbar. They all have turned into strong young pullets. The first to lay was my Green Queen, followed by the Orpington, and now Sage, my little Ameraucana. She is a petite hen, but her personality is huge! She is friendly and chatty and enjoys being held and sitting on your shoulder. She might be small, but she is one of the top hens. She is feisty, but she does not bully anyone. She laid her first egg yesterday- a beautiful light blue! I'm delighted with her and her sisters.”
“I just received my shipment of chicks including 3 gorgeous Ameraucanas. One blue, one black and one splash! They all arrived alive and healthy. My favorite breed are Ameraucanas and I raise them as pets and for show. I can already tell these are the best quality true Ameraucanas I've ever owned. The cheeks on these babies are epic!! Thank you for excellent customer service and for my beautiful chicks! My pet chicken, you are awesome!!”
“I ordered my blue ameraucana chick 3 1/2 years ago. Talk about a beautiful bird! She also had a sweet, calm temperament. Turned out she was also a bit of a broody, which was kind of a pain as you don‚Äôt get eggs while they‚Äôre broody. This spring I let her sit on some fertilized eggs and she proved to be a wonderful mother. I unfortunately lost her to a fox a couple months ago. I plan on ordering a couple ameraucanas this coming spring to try and replace her. I definitely recommend this breed.”