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Baby Chicks: Barred Plymouth Rock - SR Reviews

4.9 Rating 111 Reviews
I love my 3 fluffy butt Rocks! I have the boss hen, a sidekick, and a sweet gentle one. So pretty the feathers have a blue or green sheen in the sunshine. Great layers. They are very social and chatty. I swear she says "worrrrms" and has me trained to get them for her.
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Posted 4 years ago
I ordered 4 hens and 1 rooster. Rooster unfortunately got taken by a hawk but the 4 hens are nice chickens. Dont really like to be picked up or anything but they lay great, 4-5 eggs a week.
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Posted 5 years ago
chicks came in a sturdy well lined confy clean box they all appear to be healthy (8 chicks 1 rooster) they are all eating & drinking and chirping away !!
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Posted 5 years ago
We have had our babies for about a week and a half and they are heartbreakingly cute! We split an order of 17 chicks with friends and they all arrived happy, healthy, and adorable! Rocks is definitely the boss of the group (we have a Buff Orpington, Plymouth Barred Rock, and a Green Queen Easter Egger). She found the food and figured out the water nipple right away and taught the other two. She is already the top of the pecking order, but still so friendly! She is the only one that will stand still to be held. She is very brave haha! The customer service team has been amazing answering all of my questions, (new chicken owner). I highly recommend!
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Posted 5 years ago
Right from the start she was the first to do everything and the others all followed. She is family friendly, comes when you call her name, and prefers to free range. Her eggs are light brown, lays consistently even when we had -40 degrees winter temps (it was a rare winter) she was only 6 month old too. She is medium size and a cutie.
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Posted 5 years ago
My barred rick was the first girl in the flock to lay and still lays the most consistently she doesn’t like being held but tolerates it so well she just has net neck fluffed but doesn’t fight the love lol
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Posted 5 years ago
Our Betty was the first to lay out of the 8 day old chicks we ordered (Cochins, Orpingtons, Polish, Marans). She’s friendly, funny, and low maintenance in comparison to our other hens.
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Posted 5 years ago
The two Barred Rock's of the flock are hands down the best! Very friendly, love to be held and you can even pet them without them freaking out. They also stay close by when free ranging. I highly recommend these birds for any novice like myself. The only negative thing about the Rock is... Holy Moly can they squawk!!! Loud!!! Enough to get complaints from neighbors loud... I'm not kidding. I had to cage them up and transport them... along with tbe other 7 birds, to a remote piece of property with no neighbors. They now have several acres to roam, and and new coop to enjoy. They just started laying, and some of the eggs are double yolks! That being said, the next batch of chicks I order from my pet chicken will be mostly Rocks!
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Posted 5 years ago