“With purchased pet chickens before usually three at a time, and now have a wonderful flock of mixed breeds colors and are happy with our chickens. They're happy also. We purchased some ducks who are now happily swimming around monitoring the chickens. Very interesting.”
“Great breed for my backyard flock...cold weather hardy and good dual purpose (meat and eggs), birds. They're not aggressive or nasty to the other breeds or birds Love having them in my flock!”
“Spot (creatively named for the spot on her head) is the most naturally people-oriented chick of the seven chicks we ordered. If you put your hand in the brooder she hops on for an elevator ride to snuggles. She is assertive within her budding flock, and my guess is that she will either be flock boss or #2 behind our blue copper marans. One of the sweetest things is that she is the constant companion of our cream legbar, Astrid, who is smaller than most of the other chicks and a little less assertive. Spot makes sure there is space for Astrid at the feeder and under the heating plate. I'd love to see her as flock boss. She's a wonderful little chick.”