“Arrived almost dead was cold and not moving did get under a light and rubbed her and she came around took a couple days of finger dropping her fluids she is fully recovered and doing well”
“Jokgu, our Brahma and Marshmallow the Silkie are amazing! Jokgu is named after Jokgu from TCC, but our Jokgu is part of iSpotBroodySilkies, Two Polish Hens, and Hen House Drama. Our chickens are beautiful hens who lay brown, white and blue eggs. The goal for iSpotBroodySilkies is to preserve, educate,and care for chicken breeds like the beautiful Brahma”
“I've had my little Cynthia for about 6 years now and she shows no sign of slowing down her antics any time soon! This chicken is so curious and a joy to watch. She's talkative, but doesn't screech like other hens of ours and has never been aggressive or particularly broody. This is absolutely my favorite breed and I would recommend them to anyone that wants a long lasting layer.”
“Ordered 2 buff female brahmas and they are the sweetest little birds even at a young age...they already like to sit on your knee or lap. Worth the money.”
“Our girls are a year old now, and they are gentle, docile, sweet girls who lay enormous eggs and definitely have the most spectacular bloomers. Very happy with the Brahmas.”
“I ordered two buff brahmas in my mixed order. They are a month old. Pumpkin Spice and Boots are curious and friendly. Their feathers are coming in and I can't wait to see what they look like completely feathered out”