“I am probably reviewing a little too early since I've only had them for two days, but I know my three females I ordered with my Easter Eggers, Black Orpington, and Mottled Cochin will do fine. I had a minor problem with pasty butt in the buff brahmas and an Easter Egger, but I called to talk to someone, and she was a wonderful help. I grabbed my phone tripod and put it up much higher and elongated my brooder so they could get away from the heat. Everyone is doing fine now. It‚Äôs been about five years since I raised chicks, so a quick minor adjustment and sacrificing a second tote so my boyfriend could cut the sides out, and everyone is thriving now. They had fun chasing a fly earlier. The Buff Brahmas are the first to run up to me when I stick my hand in the brooder to give my hand a little peck‚Äîit‚Äôs freaking adorable. And they don‚Äôt seem to mind the olive oil on their butts to keep the pasting issue from coming back. I‚Äôm a writer and my office was really the only place to keep them safe from my dogs, so I‚Äôm monitoring them most of the day while I write (they might have to move when they‚Äôre a little older, hahaha).
Thriving babies are what I cared about most‚Äîand they are indeed thriving. I‚Äôll always order chicks from this hatchery because they‚Äôre so wonderful.”
“My buff Brahma was the friendliest of my mixed flock of eight. She was curious and didn‚Äôt mind being picked up. She was my favorite. The only reason I didn‚Äôt rate this chicken five stars was I found her dead in the coop at only 7 months old for no apparent reason. She hadn‚Äôt shown any sign of illness and all the other chickens were fine. Still, I understand it might have been something in her environment. In any case, she was so friendly, I‚Äôm ordering another one for this spring. Hopefully she‚Äôll be just as nice with no health issues.”
“We ADORE our Buff Brahma June! She is our 3 year old's favorite! She is so sweet, let's anyone pick her up, is so beautiful and fluffy, we can't get enough of her! She lays beautiful light, light tan sometimes lightly speckled eggs. What's not to love??”
“I ordered my brahma chick as an extra to an order of d`uccle bantams hoping to save a little money with a mixed order. Now she's my favorite and I couldn't imagine not having her around. Named her Margo. Margo is a rock of good sense. Calm, friendly, docile. The duccles are ADORABLE, but they are still getting used to me. Margo has already accepted me as momma chicken, runs up to me when I`m cleaning the brooder, and will sometimes jump on my hand to be held. She will even perch on my hand and chill with me while I`m reading or writing. I tried this with the d`uccles, no such luck. I still love the duccles.
I know they will warm up to me eventually, but I'm glad to have Margo to cuddle with in the meantime.”
“I got 2 buffs and 2 light Brahmas last June. They arrived healthy and happy. Being my first chickens i was nervous and had alot to learn. But they have been so much fun. They are real characters. We got our first egg on New Years Day and have collected an average of 3 a day pretty much since then. They have survived a very cold and wet winter so far and in arather small coop. But we have decided to get a bigger coop and will be adding to the flock this summer.”