Thank you for sharing your review with us and your fellow flock keepers! We truly appreciate it and are so very happy to hear that the little ones are doing well!
“I ordered one Plymouth rock to go along with two speckled Sussex and they are amazing together! The Plymouth is much larger, but so far she is the friendliest one and is always first out in the morning for food. She arrived in perfect health and is doing great. Highly recommend.”
We are so very happy to hear your little ones are bringing you joy! Barred Plymouth Rocks are a great breed and tend to get along well with their flock family members. Your photos are great and we truly appreciate you sharing them!
“Pullets and cockerel arrived safely and healthy. Thank you for making them available to us. I appreciate your information and personal support via chats.”
Thank you for taking the time to review our little babies! We are so happy to hear they are doing well and bringing you happiness! Thank you for your kind words for our Flock Care Specialists as well! My Pet Chicken hopes to help you with your flock needs in the future!
“Birds showed up alive and healthy, as well as on time as to shipping. I had a couple questions for my pet chicken, and customer service was great! If I had more room, I’d purchase sooo many more ducks and chickens from this company!”
Adam, thank you for taking the time to review your Barred Rock pullet and My Pet Chicken's customer service. We appreciate your review and are glad you had a great experience. We wish you many years of happiness with your chickens!
“Our little pullet arrived healthy and spunky. I live in an island in WA state and was worried about how long it would take for them arrive - it only took two days. Phew!
We’re still getting to know each other, but she is beautiful and already taking treats from our hands. I love that she still makes chick peeps, but is way less fragile than the babies. So far so good!”