“We have only had our Black Australorp pullet for a week, but she is a healthy, beautiful little sweetheart. We haven't had this breed before, but they have Orpington in their background and we love this breed - so docile and friendly.”
Your little girl sounds like a great addition to your flock! The Australorps are not only beautiful but are known for their wonderful personalities and are absolutely great egg layers! They are a great breed for not only those who may be just starting out with their flock but for any flock keeper who wants an easy going and calm flock member. If we can answer any questions about your birds or any of their flock care needs, please let us know. My Pet Chicken is here for you!
Thank you so much for sharing how wonderful your little girl is doing! We appreciate hearing about our little ones after they arrive at their new homes and that you have allowed us to be a part of your adventure with these little ones. If you have any questions or concerns, always feel free to reach out to us. We are here to support our fellow flock keepers!
“The 3 girls arrived healthy and are thriving! They were scheduled to ship on Tuesday or Wednesday but I received an email from My Pet Chicken saying they were shipped out on Monday night due to a severe snow storm coming into their area. I loved that they cared enough about the birds to get them to me quicker so they wouldn't be stuck in some Post Office warehouse due to weather! I will definitely order again from My Pet Chicken.”
“The black australorp is healthy and thriving. We have had this breed before and it is a winner. I love the trill sound they make...at least I think it is her and not the salmon faverolles!”
Thank you so much for the great review! We are always happy to hear when our babies are doing well and being enjoyed. The Black Australorp is truly a beautiful bird.
“She came healthy and happy. Enjoys being outside and spending time running around the yard. She is very attached to the two others that came with her. The three of them are inseparable. All three were adopted by my 12-year-old Polish bantam who seems to enjoy making sure they are safe, fed, and warm.”
Hello Francesca, Thank you for taking the time to submit your review of your Black Australorp pullets. Did you know this breed makes wonderful pets as well as being a dependable egg layer?