“My Golden Laced Wyandotte pullet, now named Goldie, arrived in fantastic condition! She was ready to eat and drink as soon as I retrieved her from the shipping container and placed her into her temporary home for a couple of nights. She and her mate, Rhoda who is a Rhode Island Red who traveled from My Pet Chicken with Goldie, are now in the chicken run and are loving life. They're both very healthy and adorably inquisitive. Thanks again for a terrific experience!!”
“I have two Golden laced Wyandotte's going on two years old now. Been very productive birds, smart first to get their feed have some 60 birds and they are always first to get to me with the feed. They don't get pushed around by the bigger birds hold their ground. Call them Fudge and Brownie, I have seen Fudge back the big birds right down if mess with her while eating she won't move over. Otherwise, very social do not bother other birds. Both have not gone broody on me is helpful and easy to get eggs out from under them as they like people don't peck at you.”