“After experiencing some difficulties with an earlier order that was cancelled due to a shortage of birds, I was able to purchase (2) 6-7 week pullets, and couldn’t be happier. They both arrived healthy, happy, and adjusted almost immediately. You can tell these pullets have been raised with humans as they were extremely comfortable with us on day 1. My olive egger, Indy, is the cutest little thing you ever did she. She is a beautiful blue color and has the most adorable little mohawk. She is quite inquisitive and always checking things out. I am hoping that she’ll lay an olive green egg, but if not, I’ll love her just the same. I am not a huge fan of raising day old chicks, so purchasing the grown pullets works extremely well for me. I will definitely be purchasing more and highly recommend others do the same if you’re looking for chicks that are fully feathered and ready to start their journey.”