Your girl is beautiful! We are so happy to have been able to assist you in identifying your little one from the Surprise Me! pullets. Your little one surely does have the characterisics of the wonderful Black Australorp breed and what a great - surprise - addition to your flock! We think you will thoroughly enjoy her great personality and eventually those great light brown eggs! We are so happy for you! Please let us know if we can ever help with any questions about your birds or their care needs.
“I ordered four pullets at full price, and the two "surprise" pullets at a discount. I was delighted to receive a buff Orpington and a Plymouth barred rock. Both healthy and ready to go outside.”
“I honestly was hoping for anything but a Buff Oprpington, but that's what I got. LOL She's the color of a stick of butter, her name, Paula Dean. So far she's a good addition to the flock.”
“My order was pushed back, so when I did receive my little girls they were all healthy and beautiful. I am still unsure of the breed on a couple of them But it doesn't matter. We love them. I even ordered more pullets from here!”
Hello Sharon, Thank you for taking the time to submit this review of your pullet purchase. We apologize for the delay in getting them to you, but are so pleased to hear that you are enjoying your babies. If you want to send us photos we can try and help you identify your pullets. We hope you many years with your flock.
“This was the first time I ordered pullets. I did not have a good space to raise chicks. All 4 arrived in good health and went right out to their enclosure. I ordered 3 light Brahmas and the surprise hen was all black. They all look great together.”
John, thank you for leaving a review on your pullets. Pullets are a great option, especially if you aren't able to go through the chick stage. They should be laying soon. We are so glad you are enjoying them!