“Our “Black Beauty”, truly is a beautiful bird, but I had high hopes for her that she’s not living up to so far. Got her the last week of April, and it’s now Nov 18, over 6 1/2 months later and not 1 single egg layed. This breed is supposed to be excellent layers of 5 or so eggs a week. My Bountiful Blue I got at the same time lays 5-6 eggs/wk since mid-October and is smaller in size. Black Beauty is big, with beautiful lush feathers, she looks healthy and is active, but doesn’t produce any eggs. I’m baffled and disappointed as I only ordered 3 hens, but the Ameracauna ended up being a rooster, the Australorp doesn’t lay, so I only have 1 out of 3 laying eggs! I don’t get it.”
We're sorry to hear that Black Beauty isn't laying yet, but don't be too disappointed. Australorps can start laying anywhere between 6-7 months, but with the cooler weather and limited daylight during the fall, she may take a bit longer. She may be sporadic laying during the winter but once spring brings more daylight, you'll be pleased with her volume, I'm sure. Let us know if you have any other questions. We're happy to help!
We’re truly sorry to hear about the loss of several chicks and understand how upsetting that must be. We are thankful to know the remaining chicks are thriving with your care. We appreciate your dedication and are here to help in any way we can to support their continued growth. We do hope the refund has been viewed on your account as they were covered under the safe arrival guarantee. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything more we can do to assist. Thank you for your patience and commitment to your flock.
Awww! We are so thrilled to have been able to bring joy to you and your flock! Thank you so much for letting us know & whenever you have any questions,or would like to add to your flock or need something for their care, we will be there for you!
“Our Australorp Luna is top hen and definitely the leader and protector of our rooster-less flock. She is calm, intelligent and dignified, a consistent layer of large brown eggs (double yolks on occasion! ), cold hardy and by far the most heat tolerant of our mixed flock. Most importantly, she is the most affectionate, sweet cuddler you could ever imagine and loves taking naps on my lap in our hammock. Overall an incredible breed that I would highly recommend!”
The Black Australorps are known to be a wonderful breed for backyard flock keeping due to their friendly personalities, egg laying, and their hardiness! Luna appears to be the typical hen of this breed and we are happy to hear that she is fitting in so well!
Thank you Patty for the review on your Black Australorp chicks! They will be great layers who are calm and friendly. They are beautiful in the sunshine with their shiny black plumage that has hints of green and purple in it. We hope you enjoy them!
“This is my second Black Australorp. They are friendly chickens and ideal Alpha chicken. Benign leadership. And so dignified even as chicks. I find them heat tolerant and cold tolerant as adults.They tend to lay nearly every day except in winter and when molting. I plan to always have at least one Black Australorp.”
“First time chicken mom here. I received my first ever 7 chicks ( all different breeds) two days ago and they are the sweetest things ever. All came healthy and happy. My little Black Australorp seems to be the one that's always in trouble but still sweet. Thank you to all the staff that answered all my questions when I called in and let me change my order a few times. Looking forward to seeing all the different eggs this fall.”
Thank you for taking the time to review our little babies! We are so happy to hear they are doing well and bringing you happiness! Thank you for your kind words for our Flock Care Specialists as well! My Pet Chicken hopes to help you with your flock needs in the future!