“Of 8 chickens, 1 passed away in 1st 48hours. Chick was eating and drinking, vent opening was clear and didn't appear sickly. The rest are doing fine.”
“We absolutely love our sweet Poppy the Black Australorp! She was purchased as a day old chick in May 2019. She is nearly 4 years old now and still laying. Poppy is very friendly and docile. She doesn’t mind being picked up or carried around. I will point out she is one of my most talkative hens. Poppy also has something to say! But she’s not overly loud unless singing her egg song. Otherwise it’s more like she is just chatting constantly. She is very curious and is frequently supervising us when cleaning the coop or will follow us around the yard with her list of requests and complaints. Sweet chicken and one I would certainly order again!”
These are the types of reviews we love to see! We are glad to know they are thriving and have found themselves in loving homes. Thank you for the wonderful review!
“We have a large flock of 30+ birds, with 2 Australorps. They get along well with everyone, and are super friendly little fellas! They both let me pick them up and are soft and nice.
They are bigger than the other hens I have (cuckoo marans, americauana, welsummer), but are great layers and don't pick on the others.
Ive witnessed them eating frogs and salamanders with no problem!”