“Woof! Where to begin. This chicken is my kryptonite. I've gotten two from my pet chicken and both died tragically. Ones legs stopped working we did EVERYTHING to save her (including many phone calls to mypetchicken who were always helpful) but ended up taking her to our vet to be euthanized. The second one was attacked and killed by the neighbors dog- we have since moved. BOTH of the birds were beautiful (had the most gorgeous green in there feathers when the sun shined on them) and friendly however, and I will be trying again this year for the third and possibly final time.”
“Let me start by saying I am very happy with our order of 5 chicks from MPC. We received our tiny chicks in April and now by October they are all healthy girls laying wonderful eggs.
Our marans is the top of the pecking order but not overly aggressive. She is big and beautiful, her eggs are chocolate brown, she's also very friendly with my toddler and lets her pick her up or feed her by hand. We couldn't be happier.”
“I ordered two BCM chicks with a hatch date of July 26, 2021 along with 2 other chicks. They arrived to Arizona safe and sound. One has pretty feathery feet and the other is nearly clean legged. One's eyes are pretty orange and the other has pretty dark orange. It was interesting to see how much Mocha and Cocoa are different. Neither are laying yet however they are both so super friendly and some of my fav birds so far. Good look with your Marans and eggs! I'll have to update with their egg color in a few months.”
“My BCM "Fleur" is a little shy but very sweet and consistently lays med/ large speckled brown eggs. Not super dark brown, but definitely dark. The eggs are gorgeous and she's a sweet girl.”
“She is very calm, sweet and enquisitive hen. Overall just a great breed, she‚Äôs among my favorites! She was my first hen to lay and she has the cutest brown speckled eggs ( lots of speckles). Will definitely get another bcm in my next order!”
“I got my BCM around July 2019. She is a very sweet girl and her name is Pearl. She is the most vocal of all the ladies and she is an excellent "watch bird." She will let me know if a hawk or falcon is in the area and the other ladies heed her warnings. She is full of energy and always comes running to greet me. She also gets very upset if another bird is in a nesting box that she wants to use. She will totally raise a big racquet until she can get in to do her business. I live in the city and have on occasion considered taking her to a friend's house in the country, but I love her too much and she has really settled down over time. I highly recommend this breed and would get another.”
“We got our BCM in Sping 2020. She was a beautiful, healthy, and sweet little chick who loved to roost on my shoulder. She was the second lady to lay at 19.5 weeks and lays every day to every other day. Her eggs have only been very speckled (never solid) and they aren't nearly as dark as I was expecting. Her eggs are small (noticeably smaller than her Red Star flock mate) and she herself is a bit smaller than the rest. This seems consistent with the other reviews for this year. Regardless, shes a great hen but just not very BCM when it comes to egg color and size.”
“I ordered an assortment of breeds thru MyPetChicken. 10 hens & a rooster. Packaging, shipment & delivery went well, with all arriving safe.
One of the hens is a black copper maran, as is my only rooster.
Our hen is a sweetheart who likes to come"talk" to me. She makes a cool little "boop-boop" sound when she's happy & just hangs out near me, talking. Pretty cool.
Unfortunately, she got very sick right after laying her 1st egg & hasn't laid any since. She is 10 months old now, so I'm guessing she won't lay anymore. Disappointing, but she is still a sweet girl to have around. Also, as some one else commented, our BCM girl is pretty, but much lighter weight than I would have thought.
Our rooster is also a BCM, who we call Roscoe. Roscoe is a beautiful bird & 100% rooster. He is absolutely serious about taking care of his girls and protecting them no matter what. Unfortunately, he can be over the top aggressive, occasionally deciding they need to be protected from me. This, despite the fact that I made it a point to handle him at least twice a day, since he was a day old ( no exaggeration). Still he can be extremely aggressive - it's funny, but Id almost think he's actually jealous & doesn't like his girls running to me, lol. I've tried different things Up to this point with out much luck. Not sure how it will play out long run.
Anyway, he's a great looking heathy rooster with all the qualities you'd want, except for the occasionally urge to show me who's boss, which tends not to end well for him, but doesn't dissuade him from trying the next time, lol. I still like him....”