“My black copper maran came with an order of eight. She is beautiful and sweet. Jumps on my lap every time, and one of the first to lay her beautiful chocolate eggs. One issue: I must have gotten a bantam, as she only weighs three pounds, not the seven-pound hen that I purchased.”
“We got a beautiful copper moron named Rosie 3 years ago when we got her she laid 1 egg every day for thirty days she is the second hand leader to the flock (barred plymouth Rock leader) and she is the BEST!”
“We love Coco, our Black Copper Maran. She‚Äôs beautiful, friendly, and just started laying at 21 weeks! Her eggs are a rich, dark chocolate color with speckles. I wish they let you post photos.”
“Our Black Copper Marans, Clara, is a great bird. She has beautiful feathers that are iridescent green in the light, and is a fairly consistent layer of large, chocolatey, speckled eggs. She is obviously the smartest one in my flock, and is the first to figure out any new puzzle (such as the great mystery of how to get into the coop when the run is attached). She is rarely broody and puts herself to bed on time every night, unlike some chickens I know who have to be rescued from sub freezing temperatures on occasion. She also has a fondness for standing on the porch and gazing in through my floor length window. I think she has a secret desire to be a house chicken.”
“I received my Black Copper Marans chick in April 2019. Hattie Mae is my head chicken. She isn't a bully but keeps everyone in line. She's also my smartest girl. She knows her name and will come when called and she is always supervising whatever I'm doing in the yard. Hattie's eggs range from reddish brown to a deep, dark brown and sometimes they have super dark speckles. Out of my 6 chickens, her eggs have the most variety but are always gorgeous and they have become my favorite. I love her so much I might have to get another Black Copper Marans the next time I order.”
“I love my BCM, though out of 4 purchased I ended up with 2 hens and 2 roosters. The roosters are SO beautiful but I already had a "COOP" captian rooster so I have to remove the two BCM roosters which I really hate to do because they are so beautiful. As to my hens I don't find them to be approachable as many others have said but their eggs are dark brown and very good. Their are 6 months old now and I expect the eggs to get larger as they get oldler. Love these birds.”
“I bought 2 BCMs this April (Mocha and Java). They are beautiful, and sweet pets. Assertive, but not bullies in the flock. A tad disappointed their eggs are not as dark as I expected; however, the quality of their eggs are great - thick shells and orange yolks.”
“We purchased a few bcm in February they hv been great layers laying a dark brown speckled egg.. the males are huge and are sweet birds as long as there are not other males around..”