“Healthy. Most consistently comfortable being handled in comparison to the brahmas, favaucana and faverolles, but not dumb. Is confident investigating new things.”
We love hearing how the little ones are doing and their unique personalities! We appreciate you sharing with us and hope they will continue to bring you happiness and laughter as they explore and learn new things in their brooder and coop! Please let us know if you ever have any questions as we are happy to help!
“I ordered 3, and got perfect odds of 1 blue, 1 splash, and 1 black lace. These girls are big and hearty, a lovely dual purpose breed. My blue is my biggest girl, but she’s a gentle giant and ranks lower in the pecking order because of it (thankfully because she’s built like a tank lol)”
Your girls are absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing their photos with us all! This breed is known for their lovely personalities! No doubt they steal your heart just a little bit especially as you said, they are larger birds but have the sweetest nature about them. We hope for many years of happiness with your flock and if you have any questions, always feel free to let us know.
Oh! The Blue Laced Red Wyandottes are absolutely adorable as babies and mature into gorgeous hens! Thank you for letting us know how she is bringing you happiness - we never tire of hearing these stories!
The Blue Laced Red Wyandottes are absolutely a beautiful addition to any backyard flock! They are a favorite of many of My Pet Chicken Flock Care Specialists as well!