“I love my two girls- they're almost 6 months old, but it's mid-December, so they haven‚Äôt laid any eggs yet. Cheeper, the shy one, and Freckles, so named as a chick for the two ‚Äòfreckles‚Äô on top of her head, now shimmering golden-bronze splashes behind her ears, are wonderful! They‚Äôre beautiful, and so sweet and gentle! They‚Äôll occasionally let me handle them, and when they do, their clucks sound rather surprised :) They grew up with a two-year-old dog, taught by my duck to be extremely gentle with birds, checking in on them every time she went outside. . . She was ALWAYS supervised! She loves her ‚Äòpuppies‚Äô!”
“My barnevelder is almost 6 weeks old. She is by far the most curious and cautious of her 6 coop mates. She is sweet and friendly and the first to notice something out of place or different in her surroundings. I like that because she lets the others know if she hears something with a cute shrill noise. They will all pause and wait for a second to check for safety and then resume chicken stuff. Her dark feathers are greenish black and shiny. She has a pretty face. She lets me handle her but is usually last to come up to me. She is beautiful and has a cute personality. I can't wait to see how she grows and lays. She seems like a good forager. I would recommend this breed for sure!”
“Spent a great deal of time with her and kept her with a RIR. She was that way as a young chick, but after while got very trusting from frequent handling and would jump up to beg for head rubs. Sweet girl. Beautiful plumage.”
“I love the dark brown eggs that my Lucy lays. However, she is a very skittish bird if you even look at her she takes off in the opposite direction. So for that reason I would not get another one.”