“We ordered a 10 chicks in December 2021 of various breeds, and they were all healthy and happy. My Super Blue Layer turned out to be a rooster, but they refunded my money. I ordered one Blue Splash Maran. We call her Goosey because she sounds like a Goose at times. She is very sweet and loving. She lays a light brown egg. I have zero complaints about her. I have lost a couple hens to predators recently, which has never happened before. We're looking into getting a chicken dog to offer more protection and making other adjustments to the coops.”
“Nori, my blue splash Moran absolutely stole my heart. She follows me everywhere and is so curious and cute. Other types of Marans I have had were a bit more reserved, not like this.”
“My girls Mille and Lily, I call them twins, are growing to be very beautiful young ladies! They both have wonderful personalities and enjoy having two bantams as their sisters. Mille is more cuddly, but Lily is more inquisitive! Both girls are lovely and I cannot wait to see their dark brown eggs once they start to lay!”
“The chickens are beautiful and lay well but the color of the egg is very light. Basically like a ride island red. Marans should have at least some dark brown to them.”
We are very sorry to hear that the Blue Splash Marans that you received is not laying the egg color that you expected. The Marans breed has a range of dark brown egg coloring with Black Coppers and Birchen being some of the darkest. The Blue Splash, prized because of her beauty and temperament, should "lay a medium-brown egg with extra-dark speckles."
“My blue splash maran, Bia, is the absolute friendliest of my flock of seven. My girls are almost 5 weeks old now and she is quickly emerging at the top of the pecking order for her bravery and inquisitiveness. Just lovely, if you are considering one, do it!”
“My two are beautiful. Trudy is self appointed ‚Äúmama hen‚Äù. She is the same age as her flock, but will not go into the coop for the night until everyone is in. If one tries to stay out, she goes and rounds them up! Dixie is our most outgoing of our flock of 30. She runs up to complete strangers to greet them (sometimes frightening them with how outgoing she is!). They are both beautiful and have amazing personalities!”
“Of my 6 mixed chicks from mpc, Charlotte, the blue splash marans, was the first to lay. I think she's also the most beautiful and definitely the softest. Sweet, friendly temperament. Her eggs are lighter than expected - light to medium brown and no speckles. Love her.”