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Baby Chicks: Buff Silkie Bantam Female Reviews

4.6 Rating 25 Reviews
We named ours Laura Dern, for the hair obviously. She's super sweet, a little skittish, but loves being held. Will purr when pet or dirt bathing. I feel a bit bad because she's our only Silkie and she's at the bottom of the pecking order for sure.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Not bearded but a very curious friendly silkie with a nice puff on top and full body puff..ordered female and got female...
2 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
We got Agnes from MPC, she was 6 weeks old pullet and now have had her a year. She was skittish at first; but now very happy and healthy glad to see you type of hen and follows you up and down her coop. I have one buff Orpington that had some leg problems can't jump up on perches; but very happy bird and so cute Agnes took to her so have the big and small buffy color birds together. They love each other they even groom one another and sleep next to one another at night in corner of the coop. Agnes is a toughie, not afraid of much of anything now and can even make to first perches about 3 feet if she wants does cheat jumps up to crate bounces up to perch. We Love the Silkies have one gray also, so fun to watch fearless around the bigger birds. They do amaze us, will run right under legs of our roosters a Big Austrolope and Easter egger Rooster. Bigger birds have left them alone. They always have places to go and things to do comical to watch and one of our are family favorites. Ordered two more to enjoy in 2019. Will make you laugh daily what is that worth!
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Posted 5 years ago
I got my little non bearded buff lady with my last order of chicks, and from the beginning she has always been very skittish. She was absolutely terrified of me from day one, and will run away or flutter and jump to get away. I ordered her, a blue silkie and a Mille Fleur D'Uccle who grew up with each other so she is at peace when she is with her little crew. But as soon as I reach down to refill food or give them treats she becomes a terrified spazz. She is also very afraid of my other chickens (as was expected when they were introduced) but it's been two months now and she is still pretty terrified of all of them as well. I fear that at some point she could hurt herself with her hysterics since she appears to possibly have a sensitive vaulted skull. I have noticed her occasionally have a slight head bobble, but that comes and goes. I haven't seen it for several weeks now, but it just seems like she is such a delicate and skittish little bird. I have been working with her to gain her trust, and I feel that in time she will calm down and she can find some peace when she realized that no one is out to get her. Time will tell I guess.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
When the package was first opened I realized that one of the silkie chicks was laying on the ground barely moving. An hour later she passed away. The staff did a very good job with a fast response, an attempt at good advice and finally a refund. However a few weeks later I realized that there was something wrong with the other silkie chick. She seems to have some sort of neurological disease causing her to extend her neck and open and close her beak. This occurs especially when she's eating and she does it every minute or so. This does not see, to impair her ability for a chicken. The only other thing is that she can't seem to be able to keep up with the other chicks and seems to be much weaker than the others. She cannot fly up onto perches like the other chicks or keep up with the group in terms of running. I don't know if it has to do with the fact that since she is a bantam she is smaller than the other chicks or if it is because of the neurological disease mentioned earlier. Overall there have been multiple problems with these chicks, each overcome.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Little known fact these chickens can fly with a little assistance vertically
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Posted 6 years ago
I received a adorable buff with no beard. 4 weeks later and all are still good and healthy
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Posted 6 years ago
We were so pleased with our chick delivery. We opened up our package to find happy, healthy birds. Thank you so much!! Will definitely buy again!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago