We are so grateful to hear your little baby silkie is bringing you happiness! Please let us know any time if you have any questions or concerns about any of your flock members or their care needs, My Pet Chicken is happy to help!
“Ordered a male hoping to get a rooster for the flock to replace my aging silkie rooster. Took about a year to confirm that the silkie shipped is laying eggs. Just a bit disappointed with getting a hen instead of rooster. Was hoping that the sexing of chicks would be accurate, guess I just lucked out.”
We were so very sorry to read of a sexing error on your order! We offer a live bird sexing error guarantee and we will refund you for any bird that has been incorrectly sexed, provided we are notified within the appropriate time frames. For breeds except silkies, that is between 14 to 22 weeks of the original ship date. Silkies take a bit longer to mature so they get a few more weeks and have until 19-30 from their ship date. My Pet Chicken does what we can to ensure every customer receives the birds they ordered but sometimes mistakes do happen. You can read more about the methods we use in our article on the Frequently Asked Questions section on the website entitled, "How do you tell if a baby chick is female or male?" We have reached out to you directly about your sexing error. Again, we are sorry for this has happened!
“My chick (Gabby) is sweet but very shy right now. Although, she’s only 2 1/2 weeks old she will push the others to the side if she can’t get to the food. She’s the smallest of the group”
Look at little Gaby! How sweet! Thank you so much for sharing your photo of this precious little one! My Pet Chicken is so happy that we were able to help you gain your adorable flock! Keep sending photos! :-)
“We ordered five blue silkie bantams along with our other seven black female silkie bantams, and we have lost three blue and four black. We have never lost any from dozens of chickens in multiple orders we have had in the past, so this is very disappointing.”
We are so sorry to hear you lost any of your chicks! Our guarantee covers any birds lost during transit or within 48 hours after they arrive if you notify us. We will be in touch with you directly about your loss. My Pet Chicken cares!
“We purchased 3 blue silkie females, and they arrived overnight. Absolutely love them! We ended up with one blue, one black, and one splash. Right out of the box, the splash was perky and alert, running around. Our black was a little weak but after about ten minutes she was eating and drinking. Our blue, however, was very weak, and I noticed right away that she was splay legged, and her toes were curled under her. We made her a brace out of a rubber band and a piece of straw, and booties out of tape. She's doing great now though! The blue, Eliza, and the Black, Angelica, our the sweetest little girls! However, our splash had grown a huge walnut comb, was way bigger than the other two, and started crowing! He was almost as big as our buff orpington! She's not fully grown. When the splash started mating our hens we knew he was actually a male. But no complaints because our other rooster died, Thank you MPC”
“I received my blue silkie overnight. Was very healthy. She (Dolly) is now 4 weeks old. I have been really impressed with this company. I have ordered chicks twice now and they have all been super healthy and received them over ight if I ever get more chickens I'll definitely order from here. I couldn't be happier.”
“My order included 3 Blue Silkie females and I was worried that I‚Äôd basically end up with a possibility of all Black since the ratio of 50% aren‚Äôt diluted enough to be the Blue/grey color. However, we received the perfect spectrum! We got 1 dark black girl, 1 solid ‚Äòmedium to light‚Äô blue/grey girl, and 1 splash blue/grey girl!! I couldn‚Äôt be more thrilled. We had a pretty large order of #9 total of different colors and they all are gorgeous. One of the males ended up with a single comb as opposed to a walnut comb, but I wasn‚Äôt holding any of them to show quality anyways‚Ķ Thanks, MPC!!!! :)”