“I love this hen. I noticed the price went up but she is worth it. Consistently lays large blue eggs. I just adore my ameraucanas but their eggs are smaller in comparison and my customers prefer the larger blue eggs of this lady. I make sure I include at least two in every dozen I sell. She lays daily.”
Hi Daniel, Thank you for taking the time to author this review of the My Pet Chicken Exclusive Cuckoo Blue Bar. We are very proud of this breed. They consistently lay large light blue eggs and have been known to have docile, friendly personalities.
“Jazzy is a funny little chicken, very skinny, and a fantastic layer of medium green/blue eggs. She hasn't filled out like I hoped she would, but the barring on her feathers is beautiful. She gets along well with my other birds, even my aggressive Rhode Island Red, and tolerates confinement well, though she loves to forage. She's a really wonderful chicken”