“At 22 weeks, my Cuckoo Bluebar has beautiful dappled gray feathers and lays a very pale blue egg. I suspect she started laying in a secret nest, and I had to lock her in the coop for a couple of days to get her to use the nest box. She then started laying in the barn, but that's ok because I can find them easily. She was a very adventurous chick, loving to ride around on someone's shoulder, and one of the friendliest as a teenager. As a young adult, she's not as friendly with people but is not skittish either. With other chickens she seems to be fairly high in the pecking order but doesn't bully anyone.”
“My bluebar Reeva has always been so sweet! I love how unique she looks with her pretty barred feathers. She is 6 weeks already. She is a smaller then her flock mates but is always flying up to the highest ledge. I'll definitely be ordering more of these in the future!”
“This bird is so regal and beautiful. I would have a whole flock. My flock of eight are 22 weeks today. Stella, the Bluebar, started laying at 21 weeks, although this Bluebar's eggs are really no different in color than the Easter Egger eggs. All four Easter Eggers started laying at 20 weeks, and I have gotten one egg from the Wyandotte. I do wish I had a white egg layer to round out the colors. I absolutely love my Welsumer, she is the last to lay and no eggs yet. She reminds me of Billina from Return to Oz as she talks to be quite a bit. Maybe when she lays her egg the evil COVID-19 will go away.”
“I just love this chick. She has the most gorgeous pompadour. So sweet, I can't wait for eggs. Eight chicks of different varieties came in December, all packed for cold weather and super healthy. I ordered all hens, so I have my fingers crossed, but they are not quite 7 weeks. A few more weeks will tell the tale on roos.”
“Emma Blue calls her pals when there is something good to eat especially meal worms. She and the cream legbar (Annie) are very very pretty and mild mannered and best pals. She lays lovely eggs and is quite the charmer. If you don't have a couple these are an excellent choice!”
“I love the little crest on the top of her head but I‚Äôm very disappointed that she lays a light brown egg. Unfortunately the two Green queens that came in our order also laid brown and the Ameraucana turned out to be a rooster. The only reason I added to my flock was for variety in egg color. My hopes and dreams of having blue and green eggs have been dashed as I can not add any more to my flock at this time. Also disappointing is that I paid so much more for these designer birds than I did for my production layers for a few average colored eggs a week. I don‚Äôt think I‚Äôll be ordering from My Pet Chicken again.”
“I echo the crowd that this breed of bird is friendly and curious which is a fun combination! Honey will come greet me hoping I have kitchen scraps. She also likes to get onto my shoulder. She is not aggressive at all but she is also not shy. I would label her as "confident" and one of my favorite birds.”
“I have a cuckoo bluebar and she is the sweetest chicken, she loves being held, and whenever i sit down to read in the garden (where my chicken coop is) she comes up to me and sits on my lap or on the arm of the chair right next to me. She's also very nice to all of the other chickens and shes actually the oldest of them all since she's in a coop with just 2 month old chicks and she's about 4 months old. It's true that Cuckoo Bluebars mature pretty fast, but still shes only 4 months old so I don't know what color the egg is going to be exactly yet.”