“No complaints m, she is pretty, inquisitive and fun. The only ‚Äúproblem‚Äù would be her eggs are definitively green, not blue. Closer to an F1 olive egger egg.
Still a pretty egg, but if you want a blue egg for certain, try a guaranteed breed.”
“She's a great bird, beautiful color, Massive comb...so big it drapes over and blocks one of her eyes. Likes to be near people but skiddish when trying to pick up. Does NOT lay blue eggs (I see there is now a disclaimer which was not there upon my purchase). Consistent layer, hardly ever skips a day. If your wanting the blue hue good luck.”
“Jane is far prettier than the chicken in the ad would suggest. No eggs yet (hence 4/5 stars, but I‚Äôm expecting her to lay any day now), and not as bold as my Buckeye or my Speckled Sussex, but still a lovely member of the flock.”
“Blue is the sweetest most inquisitive chicken! I expected her to be a little flighty which I suppose she is, but not in the way I imagined. So on that note, she is a very capable chicken when it comes to getting around. Sometimes I find her sitting on the garage roof, just looking around. Every once in a while she goes over the fence just to show off. She is super friendly and accessible though, and always pops right back when I call her, and chances are if you have a seat in the backyard when the chickens are out she will be on your shoulder or lap. She worked her way up to the top of the pecking order in no time, but isn't a bully or anything, she just made her way up the roosts and was very persistent about not being pushed out, so the big girls finally said ok, whatever. She is about 5.5 months old and just started laying beautiful big eggs (without the drama that sometimes accompanies new egg layers). I was a little torn on the stars - the only complaint I have is that the eggs have more of a green tint and I really wanted blue. Maybe they will become more blue with age, my legbar's did, but I went with 5 stars because she is just an all around great chicken and I'd buy her again in a heartbeat.”
“The eggs are almost identical to my 2 Easter Egger's eggs - more greenish in color. While the eggs are not the blue I had hoped for, this is a gorgeous bird! She is talkative and bold. She has easily positioned herself near the top of the pecking order - she's not mean, but quite protective of her coop mates. She is also quite the flier, so if you are concerned about keeping birds in their yard, this might not be the breed for you.”
“This bird is everyone's favorite at our house. I've got a bluebar, an australorp, 2 sussex, and an ameracauna and the bluebar is by far our favorite.
I picked out one of these for the grey feathers and blue eggs, but, she's the sweetest chicken! She's the most outgoing, curious, friendly, and the least flighty. She checks out what I'm doing, follows me around, likes being carried, and the most stable chicken.
I read that one of the breeds mixed in tends not to lay in the nest boxes but our Cuckoo Bluebar always lays in the nest boxes. Pretty light blue eggs. Also, personally, our bird is a bit prettier than the one in the photo and has a slightly more standard chicken outline than the photo above.
She is an athletic chicken--we call her the roadrunner. She can get onto the coop roof without a ton of fuss (6') - luckily, she only did that once when the door shut and the rest were getting melon. She hasn't gone over the fence or caused any trouble, despite being the most confident of our flock.
10/10, if I were to add any more birds, I'd want more Cuckoo Bluebars.”
“I currently have 3 beautiful females. And I'm quiet happy with the multi shades of blue they lay. The eggs are much more vibrant in the spring though, but look amazing in my mixed egg cartons. The birds themselves are such a joy to watch though. They hunt every bug or frog they find. Everything is interesting to them. They get into every bag or bucket I bring out to the pen. They follow me around totally curious of my every move. They don't like being picked up, but will jump on my lap if I have something of interest. No fear from these spunky girls.”