“Received 2 hens ones now a lovely broody & the other is also a pretty addition to our free ranged flock & loves to run around socialize & have a good time. Alert cautious & intelligent.. They have become my favorite Wyandottes cuz they are striking to watch. Great customer service from this company; Thank y'all!”
“I had a pair out of a flock of ten. One of my dogs killed one of them at about ten weeks and the other, now a little over a year old, has survived two fox attacks, the last of which dislocated her hip. She's now the matron of a flock of 14 other pullets that are 17 weeks old and has merged perfectly without being a jerk about it. She also shares the space with six ducks and two geese,
She lays about five eggs a week and is a very lovely bird. Don't mean to offend, but her name is Gimpy.
Being that sometimes she needs help getting to her roost, if she sees me, she calls. She'll also ask to be placed into the dust bath each day. I'd put her on the "bright" list.”