“It's January 27th, it's currently snowing and 28 degrees in Maine. All 12 chicks arrived alive, in good health and full of energy. I expected at least two not to make it through shipping in the bitter cold, but they were packed with enough straw and heat packs to make the trip just fine. Thanks again!!!”
“I have always wanted one of these so I was so excited when our chicks came in! We ordered her for late July 2020 and she's now nearly point of lay, she has always been the nicest, cuddliest chicken. As a chick she would sit on my wrist whenever I had desk work to do, we called her the chicken corsage. She would spend an hour or more just hanging out on my shoulder or arm and never once showed any interesting in joining the other littles. Now she likes to follow me around and likes being carried around when I hang out with them. If I sit down she plops herself on my lap and loves to be petted to sleep. She gets alone fine with the other girls, but like the Mottled Houdan we got from here, she is very interested in what I'm doing and is very happy to sleep on my whenever she gets the chance. We are so pleased with her and would definitely order more CCL from MPC again.”
“My cream legbar is about two weeks old now and she is extremely sweet. She isn‚Äôt the least bit flighty and goes limp when I pick her up. She often jumps in my hand when I reach inside the brooder. She‚Äôll sit on my shoulder or in my lap as long as I will allow it. I know she‚Äôs young still but I LOVE this chick so far.”
“My Beaker (named for the Muppet) is just the most adorable little thing with her funny toupee! She‚Äôs much prettier than the stock photo with more gray coloring to her feathers. She lays Sea Foam green colored eggs. So while I was hoping for blue, they are still beautiful and she is a prolific layer! She is very quiet, but curious and friendly. She is the lowest in the pecking order, but she is lightening fast, zipping in and out to grab the choicest treats before anyone can peck her! I highly recommend this breed!”
“I have bought two Cream Legbars from MPC, the first one 3 years ago unfortunately died at 8 weeks old (from what appeared to be Marek‚Äôs). I‚Äôm glad I tried again, as my second hen was the first to start laying out of 5 different breed hens, and only 3 weeks in is laying 6 beautiful aqua green eggs per week (still small size but getting bigger). She‚Äôs fairly friendly but does get picked on a little as she is small.”
“The legbar we got is super cute, just adorable, but she seems nervous or stressed all the time. She's so so pretty, very smart, and seems almost empathetic with the other birds- when they were all learning to roost she would hop down from the roost and walk next to the ones still on the ground and almost tried to walk them up the ramp. She seems very sensitive to changes in the chicken hierarchy, she's at the bottom. She doesn't seem to be bullied per se, but she does get poked and told to go somewhere else, which she does, no questions asks. She's not very interested in being our friend and even seems stressed if we try to give her any attention. She has a very distinct voice and almost sounds worried all the time. She's only 3.5 months but we really love her, she's got such an interesting personality, even if she's not very interested in being around us. She seems to be a good support chicken for the rest of the flock. I just wish she wasn't so skittish and nervous! Makes me feel terrible for her. Still, I'd get them again.”
“Our Cream Legbar was sooooooo sweet and loved very much, but had a freak issue and didn‚Äôt make it. I do not take any stars away for this because I don‚Äôt think it is due to any fault of the breed or MPC. When I called concerned, they prioritized helping and went overboard to give suggestions. Everyone I talked to was excellent to work with, especially Bambi. I cant wait to order this breed again when I‚Äôm ready for more!”
“I had chickens years ago and we decided to start again now that we moved to an area outside of city limits.
One thing I remembered from the past is that chickens need protein to lay eggs. Not a problem here, it rains often forcing the earthworms to come up to near surface of soil. I dug up about 8 worms after watching our Orpington find a worm among the oak leaf bedding. I poured them into the coop and the birds couldn‚Äôt eat them fast enough. I‚Äôm looking forward to blue eggs :)”