“Everything went as planned, chicks shipped the day they said they would. We had 2 of 15 die in the first two days. Looked like maybe they had been injured during shipping. But over all pretty happy with the experience”
“Our girl (aptly named "Dominique," since she is our only Dominique) is a great layer of medium-sized light-brown eggs. They average out between 51-61 grams each, typically. She has not been laying very long, but she has been laying consistently every other day. She is also the only one of our hens so far to have produced a double-yolk egg! She is an absolute stunner of a hen, as well, and makes the most unique clucking (whistling?) of any of our girls. She is also the smartest, able to figure out how to get treat boxes open much faster than the others (unless our Blue Easter Egger brute-forces them open, which she sometimes does before Dominique has a chance to figure it out!). She is not one to seek out attention, or even accept it when offered, but she certainly isn't aggressive. I believe she is second in the pecking-order, right below our Blue Easter Egger. If we had more space, I might get additional Dominiques in the future.”
“Marge is our sassiest and smartest hen. She's a bit of a sourpatch kid: sometimes sweet, sometimes sour. She's very social with us, but also tries to test the limits by pecking and jumping on our shoulders-not in a cute way.
As for laying, she's a laying machine and lays most days (5-6 a week on average). She doesn't egg song when she lays, but when another hen is in the nest box she stands on the highest perch and calls loudly. It's kinda cute-maybe she's trying to scare off predators?- but also quite noisy for our city neighborhood.
Not sure if I'd get this breed again, but she keeps us laughing and we like her in our small flock.”
“Our Dominique, Poppy is probably the head hen in our flock. She is sweet and sassy (she occasionally has trouble sharing treats with others;) but overall tries to mother the rest of the hens. She is the first one to greet us and will fly up into our arms or on anyone‚Äôs shoulder. She loves people and being held and would happily live in our house if we‚Äôd let her! She gets along well with our Barred Rocks, cuckoo marans, and all from the rare breed assortment (cream legbar, blue maran, blue Wyandotte, ss Hamburg) If it weren‚Äôt for her friendly personality we would have had trouble telling her apart from the barred rocks, and now that she is older we can see she has a flattened rose comb but otherwise looks very similar to them.”
“We got our newest group of five girls a few days ago and I am smitten with every one of them. Our Dominique, Lizzie, is the smartest little chick I've seen (and I thought our Golden Comets were smart). She is adorable and sweet too. Can't wait to watch her grow. Thanks for another great shipment, all the chicks arrived in Florida less than 24 hours from leaving your facility. They were all the picture of health and are little loves.”
“We have a mixed flock of Mille Fleur D'Uccle Bantams, Golden Laced Wyandottes and a Dominique Hen and we love them all! One of our favorites is our Dominique Hen named Spotty Dot. She is the gentle Queen chicken of our flock and takes great care them. She is the smartest of our hens, the most responsive and the most alert. She is fun and quirky too and a very reliable layer of large eggs! She has a charming soft whistling cackle that is unique in our flock. We love her dramatic black and white feathering! We highly recommend this wonderful heritage breed!”
“Out of the 10 chicks we purchased, Hei Hei is probably the least smart, and kind of a jerk in a funny way. She seems pretty happy about it- ignorance is bliss as they say. She likes to be around you/around the other birds, she jumps on their backs and gets everyone all upset- I think she might just be terrible at landing next to the other chickens, she just jumps where everyone else is, instead! She definitely doesn't want you to pet or touch or hold her, she just wants to be around where everyone else is. She's pretty low on the hierarchy, but doesn't seem to mind. When someone pokes her, she backs off, then comes right back to doing whatever she was doing again. Kind of unflappable, really. Seems pretty happy and healthy. Only 3.5 months in. She's pretty silly, but I probably wouldn't get one again since I wanted friendly chickens and the Barred Plymouth Rock I got is a lot more friendly and looks similar.”