“My exchequer Cardi used to be an absolutely stunning hen! After her first molt her feathers came In plain white. They‚Äôve been white ever since. Can‚Äôt tell the difference between her and my plain leghorn Pearl. Except that Cardi lays little tiny white eggs very sporadically, whereas Pearl the leghorn lays giant off white eggs almost daily. Cardi is a Quirky lady who never puts herself to bed. Every evening I come out to find her sitting on the stall door waiting to be hand delivered to her roost (I put my hand out and she steps right on). I wouldn‚Äôt waste the additional money on an exchequer unless a super funny personality is worth it to you”
“We have one Exchequer Leghorn named Queen, and she IS the queen of the yard. From the very first, she has been a bold, curious, and friendly little girl. She's got a boxy shape and beautiful coloring. She would definitely like to live in the house if she could and is the first to run over and see what you're doing. She's even jumped up on outside windowsills to see what we're doing in the house. Can't say how her laying is because we have ten hens and I can't tell their eggs apart, but if you're keeping chickens for pets as well as for the eggs, I think this breed is a lot of fun!”
“My Exchequer Leghorn is an absolutley beautiful bird. I wish I could add a picture! I am also thrilled with her personality. She is friendly and docile compared to my other leghorns, and will let people pick her up. She lays medium sized white eggs.”
“I purchased the exchequer leghorn for the egg color, unique plumage, and ‚Äúflighty‚Äù personality. I have had hawk problems in the past, and I figured the feather pattern be preferable to the traditional white.
Checkers was a bully!
She and her 6 siblings of varying breeds were introduced to my established mixed flock when they were about 3 months old, (if I‚Äôm remembering correctly) and she was instantly picking on some of my adult hens! She did start laying cute little white eggs within 5-6months in the middle of winter, and she gave me at least 6 eggs/week. I just did not really care for her personality.”
“Mary-Lou is a beauty with a skittish but amusing personality. She occasionally produced an extremely tiny white egg, but has stopped laying completely now that it's winter. (The rest of my hens are still laying). So not a good layer for me, but I enjoy having her in my flock.”
“My Leghorns are adorable 1 was very stunted in growth and is finally playing catch up. Her sister is laying well everyday! But the stunted one hasn‚Äôt. But I‚Äôm not giving up on her yet! She‚Äôs very active like the rest of the girls and loves exploring in the woods foraging for insects and whatever runs by like lizards! Lol
they are a little flighty but I never have to chase them as they go into the coop every night before sundown. I‚Äôm very happy with all my girls and will be purchasing again from MPC!”
“She‚Äôs really a beautiful, smallish bird, definitely on the flighty side. Lays a small/medium cream colored pointy egg. I guess I‚Äôm a little disappointed with the egg color (I was expecting white) & shape but she‚Äôs such a nice bird to look at.”