“I got this feed for my first ever experience having chicks or chickens of any kind. The chicks are thriving. My friends who have chickens warned me that if I look at the chicks sideways, they'll die...but I must say, my chicks are hearty, growing, healthy, and energetic. I have nothing to compare this feed to, but my experience has been so positive, that I would be hesitant to use any other”
“My chicks love it! I temporarily tried another brand because I ran out of this one and they did not come running to the feeder as usual. Their favorite is the organic soy free starter feed from My Pet Chicken :)”
“My chicks are happy and thriving, growing fast and have now graduated to the organic grow mash. Couldn‚Äôt be happier about their health and vitality! I have full confidence in this combination of grains and seeds to give me the best eggs ever. Thanks for a high quality organic feed.”
“My chicks loved this! One 25lb bag lasted exactly 5 weeks for my 5 baby chicks before I switched them over to the grower feed. They are all super healthy.”