We are sorry to hear that First Saturday Lime did not meet your expectations! The product does indicate that it will repel ants, as insects with exoskeltons, along with fleas, ticks, mites, lice, aphids, beetles, etc. It also can be used to prevent mosquito growth in water troughs and ponds. Please be sure to check your area where you applied it at least once a month. Though insoluable, as it dries back out and is again effective, it is best to check the area once a month and reapply if necessary in case any run off may have lessened the amount present.
“I have been using First Saturday in our coop (10-15 chickens) for over a year now. I love this product. Since using it the coop smells better even in the winter when it is all closed up. We have not had a mite problem since using it. I use sand on the floor and Timothy hay in the nesting boxes. I spread FSL on the sand and in the nesting boxes once a month. First Saturday Lime is a great product.”
“This stuff is so much safer for chickens than diatomaceous earth and it does the same thing! I dust this when I put in new bedding and also have a dust bath set aside INSIDE the coop (in a kiddie pool) since it’s raining outside all the time (until summer).”
“Highly recommend this product for all your natural pest control needs. Safe for poultry and a great addition to chickens dust bath area as well as coop and run”