“Baby is only a week old, but out of a package of late arriving chicks, this one has been alert and active. Brownish black feather-fluff with a good weight. Looking forward to seeing how it grows out!”
“I ordered 3 and two of them were dead in the box upon arrival. The one that survived the shipping is doing fine, but out of 8 chicks that I ordered only four survived shipping and two others died within 24 hours. Now I will say that the customer service team was very accommodating, however I didn’t want to have to deal with the service team, I just wanted the chicks to live.”
“We ordered 2 of these chicks. 1 died at day 3…she never grew like her sisters did. But the other one has tripled in size and is sweet but shy. She is 11 days old. Growing like a weed, healthy and well. I opted to vaccinate all the chicks, and gave them all Meyers grow gel, and use Kruses super chick medicated started feed.”
“OK, my birds are only 7 weeks old, so maybe it's too soon to tell. And I got 6 different breeds, one of everything, so may I just got lucky on the Golden Cuckoo Marans, but she is the most outgoing of our birds. She's adventurous, and loves perching on my shoulder, or on my head, and has been known to snuggle up on my lap for naps. You will love this bird!”
“Piey-Janey, or just Piey, (as in pie with an ee on the end) is an independent and very sturdy chicken. Her feathering is entirely made up of gray and white, wavy bars that melt into each other over her whole stocky body‚Ķ no gold! She has feathered feet too, unlike the hen in the photograph above, but we do not mind at all, as they are rather pretty. It‚Äôs more of a mystery than a problem. She lays beautiful, big brown eggs dotted with chocolate speckles almost every day. She loves to eat as well. She is a bit skittish, and really doesn‚Äôt like people much, though she pushes over if you have food. But she never makes a fuss! She is almost invisible, she's never too hot, or sick, or picked on... Piey is very hardy, in both cold and heat and never makes trouble, nice hen!”