“So I ordered a few different breeds from you, my sister wanted a Golden Cuckoo Marans. So, okay‚Ķ the photo you have of them, I was like, ‚Äú‚Ķcool, but it doesn‚Äôt really pop‚Äù to me, to stand out in my flock. I see her now though, right at six months old and she is STUNNING. She doesn‚Äôt lay a chocolate colored egg, but who doesn‚Äôt love speckles!?? I‚Äôm very jealous of my sisters chicken and may have to order myself one! Great job on this breed! She‚Äôs friendly and fun to watch! Her is a picture of her and her first egg! üòç‚òÄÔ∏è”
“I ordered Cashew, our Golden Cuckoo Marans with my last order of chicks (almost 2 years ago- the inn is full for now) and she‚Äôs great. She is friendly, funny, and a great layer. We get about 5 dark brown speckled eggs from her each week. She gets along with all the others and loves taking treats out of your hand. Her feathered feet are adorable. Definitely recommend this breed.”
“I bought 10 chicks of various breeds, but the 2 Golden Cuckoo Marans both died before the end of their first week. The other 8 chicks (orpingtons, silkie, cochin, ameraucanas, partridge olive eggers) were and are still absolutely thriving. I emailed MPC and they said they had no other reports of GC Marans death from other customers, but I guess those two I received just weren't very hardy.”
“I had bought my golden cuckoo maran back in March and she's doing wonderful! In the beginning though, she was very lethargic and weak and I didn't think she was going to make it past the first few nights. She was very small and runty and had crooked toes unlike my other chicks. She had awful pasty butt as well. Luckily I babied her and now she lays a gorgeous chocolate brown egg.”
“We love Beyonce, our lovely golden Cuchoo Maran hen. She is beautiful and friendly. Lays about 5 eggs a week here in November. Her eggs are small. Probably an inch and a half in hight. They are dark amber with brown speckles. She was also the first layer in our bunch, starting at 5 months old.”
“I got two in my order of 15. They are two of the sweetest more docile in my little flock. They want to be with me and will come out and sit near me or on my lap, when contained they lay near the edge of the cage near me... highly recommend for children as they are gentle! They feathered first hitting that awkward stage before the others in spite of the early ugly duckling stage they are 2 of My favorites.... and now look like mini chickens covered with beautiful soft feathers!”
“Our Opal is a sweet affectionate fun loving lady. The eggs are just beautiful different from all of the others they are just a bit speckled. Strongly recommend this bird, Maran's are very dear.”