“Bought our chick March 2024. We love our granite kissed olive egger, Zoe. She lays beautiful speckled green eggs and she is a sweet girl. So happy we got her! Initially we thought she was laying brown eggs because we could not tell who layed which eggs, but she actually was the last to start laying at about 20 weeks. So don't get discouraged if you don't see her laying at the 16 week mark.”
Thank you so much for sharing your experience! We’re thrilled to hear that Zoe is such a sweet girl and is laying those gorgeous speckled green eggs! 💚🥚
It’s great advice to be patient when waiting for those first eggs—20 weeks is totally normal, and the surprise of finally discovering who laid what makes it even more exciting. We’re so happy she’s been a wonderful addition to your flock!
Thank you, Victoria, for taking the time to leave a review for your Gold Kissed Granite Olive Egger! They truly are adorable and will grow into such stunning hens. We hope you continue to enjoy your lovely chicks for many years to come!
We were truly sorry to hear about your experience. Losing chicks is heartbreaking, and it’s clear you took great care in planning for their arrival and providing for them. At My Pet Chicken, we prioritize the safety of shipped chicks by carefully considering weather, chick numbers, and the best methods to protect their health. While we're glad we could provide a refund, we understand it doesn't replace the rare chicks you were expecting. We're constantly working to improve our shipping processes for the safe arrival of all our feathered friends. Your feedback is important, and we'll use it to refine our services. If you have any further concerns, please reach out to us.
“We got one of these chicks last spring and named her Gizmo. She is the most gregarious, people-oriented chicken we've ever had. Perfect with kids. She asks to be held and tries to sneak inside the house most determinedly every time we come out the back door. Such a fun personality. We really enjoy the big, confident personalities of all our legbar/ legbar cross chickens, and she is the best of the best. Her egg is a very dark and saturated olive green, but she earns her place in the flock no matter the egg color. She has a feather or two on her feet, so the barring may come from a cuckoo marans.”
Thank you so very much for sharing your personal experience with the Gold Kissed Granite Olive Egger! Gizmo sounds like such a wonderful addition to your flock not only because of her beauty but such a wonderful personality! We are here to answer any questions you may have about her or any of her flock mates and their care needs. My Pet Chicken truly cares and will always be here for our fellow flock keepers!