“I got my first Green Queen Bantam last year June 2022. Funny enough I bought her on accident. I thought I was buying a standard size but did not see the word Bantam. Well she turned out to be a black silkie with a HUGE personality. Her name is Flask and she ranks around 3rd in my flock. We say she has Silkie Attitude. But I was worried that she'd be lonely being the only bantam. So this year I ordered another Green Queen Bantam. I knew that getting a silkie had been very lucky out of 1 in 16. This time I got a different kind but she's also black and looks like a cute little pigeon with fluff cheeks and a beard. I named her Calabash and she's very perky and happy. The two are very different but my husband and I love them very much. I highly recommend these grab bag mini chickens.”
“Our Green Queen is the winner! Out of the group of chicks I ordered (2 Green Queens, a Salmon Favorelle, and a Silked White EE), she was the first to lay an egg at 20 weeks. It’s a beautiful green egg. She is social, sweet, and a great hunter. Can not say enough good things about her.”
Hello Larin, Thank you for sharing your review of your Green Queen Easter Egger. We find it's an exciting time when the chickens start laying. Did you know that Green Queen Easter Eggers are not only prolific egg layers, but are very hardy birds as well making them suitable for different types of environments.
“Francis is 2 months. Friendly girl she is. Gets along with our silkies great. She's a bit crazy at moments but we love her. She likes to be on my shoulder and be held. Very beautiful girl.”
Thank you Erika for your review on your Green Queen Easter Egger Bantam, Francis. They are beautiful and easygoing bantams. We love that she likes to be on your shoulder and held!
“We finally lost our Prissy (Green Queen Easter Egger Bantam)--- she was just over 9 years old!!!! AND, she had laid her last egg (small, green) only 6 months before passing. Sure, her laying had slowed down in her later years, but she added SO much to our various flocks.
She started out as our "town crier", always alerting the flock of danger, or letting us know if the flock was wandering off of our property.
Over the years, we watched her near the top of the pecking order, and also at the bottom; her personality was changeable depending on the flock dynamic. Prissy was hardy enough to return to health after a trauma--- as was her sister, Missy, who lost all of her toes on one foot to frostbite. Missy laid cream colored eggs and got around just fine with her Peg Leg. She was the friendliest lap bird we've ever had, likely due to all of our handling and care for her foot/toes. I believe Missy was about 7 years old when she passed away, and also still occasionally laying.”
Hello Angela, We are so sorry to hear about your loss of Prissy after 9 years. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt review about Prissy and her life in the flock. We never get tired of hearing stories about how people's lives have been enriched by their chickens. Prissy and her sister Missy seemed to have made the most out of life and were clearly very well taken care of. Thank you again for sharing and please do not hesitate to reach out if we can help you continue the chicken mission.