Thank you Lucinda for your review on your Green Queen Easter Egger Bantam. We have reached out to you directly about the color of her eggs. Green Queen Easter Eggers Bantams chiefly lay sage green to aqua-tinted eggs, a small percentage will lay another color, including tinted, brown or even pinkish.
“All three of my Green Queen Easter Egger Bantam chicks arrived healthy! They all look different which is so fun. The shipping went smoothly and was fast-they literally arrived overnight! Their packaging was great too, it was like a little nest inside. I would definitely order from here again.”
What terrific news, thank you for sharing your experience with us, Amelia! Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to assist you with your new flock.
We are so very sorry for your heartbreaking loss! Though we do our best to ensure a safe journey for the little ones, sometimes our best efforts are not enough and we are upset by these horrible experiences as well. We love our babies! As your little ones were covered under our guarantee, we had set up a reshipment to you but upon your notification that you decided upon a full refund, we did our best to process that for you within 2 days. We hope that one day you may change your mind and give My Pet Chicken another chance. Please let us know how we may help you in the future.
“I love my Green Queen Bantam! My little Doodle Bug lays beautiful green eggs and she loves the scratch around for bugs in the pasture (hence her name) :)”
“Ordered 6 female last spring. Two of which were roosters and non of which lay olive eggs. Temperament varied greatly. Two are adorable tame docile sweethearts and the other two are broody all the time and not too friendly. Just writing this so people can get a clear picture of what they are actually getting.”