“A very good design that was easy to install. Installation was aided by first watching the YouTube videos. Hentronixs thought through the design and provided all of the parts necessary. Delivery was far quicker than that of the coop. It has been great to not Have to get up early to let the birds out or remember to lock up the coop at night. I would definitely purchase another Hentronix automatic door opener.”
“Makes life so much easier !!! I have 3 ducks that stay in this house at night but I leave the house early when it‚Äôs still dark so it‚Äôs great to know they‚Äôll Be let out automatically when the sun comes out and the night predators are gone! They are also starting to learn it closes when it‚Äôs dark out and a few night when going out to put them away they already went in the house and are safely locked in”