“I recently installed the ‚ÄúAutomatic Solar Swing-Open Door, Small‚Äù for the Clubhouse coop. The door was a drop in replacement, and so far it has worked as advertised for two months, even with not that much direct sunlight.
A few notes:
If you already have the coop built, you'll need to at least partially disassemble the connected run to remove the old door and replace it. I removed the sliding door handle, then the two screws connecting the run wall to the coop. I removed the run roof. It's easier to get some of the run roof screws if the coop roof is opened. Remove the run roof in two parts, don't leave the top connected to both sides, it's too fragile to move like that. I removed the zip ties holding the floor mesh on the run door side. With that done, the run wall can be moved enough to remove the sliding door and replace it with the automatic door. It just slides into the same rails. You need to drill some holes in the coop wall to bolt it on, but it goes on pretty easily with the run roof removed. I bolted the control box to a nearby post, rather than the coop, but there's plenty of space on the non window side of the coop for it.”