“I see they took my advice and added a note indicating that the eggs are mostly white and (pale) brown. That‚Äôs good, but the photo and paragraph about ‚Äúan assortment of intense and unusually-colored eggs‚Äù is still totally misleading. Do NOT order this expecting to receive that. You will receive basket of brown, white, or pale blue-green eggs (absolutely covered in poop, I might add), which *might* hatch, *perhaps* into pullets, which *should* (but might not) end up laying some of the egg colors shown/described. If you‚Äôre very lucky, maybe you‚Äôll see some of those colors in 6 months. A bunch of them are F1 crosses (as they are now mentioning), so basically you‚Äôre paying a bunch of money for someone‚Äôs backyard mix. You can almost certainly find that locally, for significantly less money, and with a much greater chance of hatching than shipped. I ordered these as an easter gift for my chicken-loving daughter. I‚Äôm sure she‚Äôll love whatever chicks we manage to hatch, but for $150 it was a totally disappointing experience.”