“I have wanted this breed for a long time and finally added one to my March '22 pullet order.
Teresa is 35 weeks now and a very pretty bird, though not giant by any means. Maybe she'll get bigger. She was the first of the bunch to lay, a shiny tan egg daily. That was short lived though because she began to molt. I'm happy to have her in my flock, although her personality isn't what I was hoping for.”
“These are my first ever chicks to raise. They all was nice and livwly when arrived. Im so glad i purchased here. They are so lively. Running jumping and scrarching in the bedding. Unlike the ones i see in the stores just all inactive huddled up. These cute little ones arw a hoot to just sit and watch. One runs and jumps another has to out do him and so on. So active for a week old cant wait for my next purchase!”
“Very sweet. The hens were the same size as Australorps, the only difference is orange feet vs black and they give larger eggs. Top 3 favorite breeds, but only the roosters are ‚Äògiant‚Äô.”
“Mellow, good natured birds that are a good addition to any flock. They aren't the most avid layers, and take some time to reach laying maturity, but are worth the wait. Their size tends to make them default top of the pecking order, though you'll rarely see one getting in fights to prove it.
My favorite broody is a Jersey Giant, who while clumsy with her own clutch (breaks almost half) is always willing to adopt orphans and bring chicks under her wings. At one point she had 19 chicks in her mini-flock. She's adopted 4 Guineas, who follow her around even as adults.”
“I previously ordered 14 of these from another hatchery, all but 2 died :( I have had great luck ordering from this hatchery so I ordered 12 of these plus 4 Partridge Olive Eggers. They are doing great!”
“I love these large mellow girls! My flock matriarch is a Jersey Giant and she is teaching a new generation of chicks from mypetchicken. These large chickens have been very dependable layers of small shiny brown eggs, and they are pretty content to stay in the Yard/not hop our fences. They will routinely come peck at the door for a treat before heading to the coop to bed!
We love that they are cold-hardy and also suspect that they are just big enough to give the local hawks pause...we have lost some smaller breeds to hawks over the years but never a Jersey Giant. Ellie is now 8 (and still laying off and on).”
“The Jersey Giant we have is such a nice, docile bird. She is not skiddish but is aware of her surroundings. She is a good forager and solid egg layer. The color is very pretty with a greenish and purplish sheen to the black feathers.”