“I received a Julibee Orpington for the first time and thought she was absolutely beautiful. She has the softest feathers and a great shape. However she is incredibly mean to all other hens. She almost chases and pecks at them on purpose. She‚Äôs never been skiddish around me but cannot seem to be friendly with any other birds including the other hens she was raised with. She also never stops eating even though she has more food than all the other birds because she scares them away from the dish. She‚Äôs obnoxious and I was hoping she would be similar to other Orpingtons with a chill personality. Turned out to be the opposite. We have named her Birtha. Definitely not one of my favorites. I wouldn‚Äôt reccomend unless you have a smaller flock or only plan to have a flock of only julibees.”
“I got a ‚ÄúSurprise‚Äù box of chicks earlier this year. I wasn‚Äôt familiar with any of the breeds and it‚Äôs taken me this long to figure out that I have a Jubilee Orpington.
Hamish (yes, that’s her name) is a friendly and absolutely beautiful bird. She doesn’t take crap from her other flock mates, but allows me to handle her as needed.
She was shipped with an Easter egger with nine toes, two blue Andalusians, an Ancona, and a sixth girl who is still unidentified. Of the six, she‚Äôs the best of the batch. The Ancona is a freak show - I‚Äôve never seen such a freakishly skittish chicken. Still, I am very pleased with the lot.”
“She is still kind of young to really made any judgment on egg production and looks. I prefer docile and friendly chickens over prolific layers, so it doesn't matter. The 2 stars is because she is the most skittish chicken I have ever seen in my life. She acts like I am a coyote coming to kill her every time she sees me and startles the others. I got a Blue EE, Americauna and barred rocks with her. The BR are by far the best, non-skittish and don't get carried away with the Jubilee when she is in her frantic rages. The EE and the Americauana get very scared when she acts like this, so it's a big disappointment because these are supposed to be friendly breeds and she's making them skittish too. I can tell the Blue EE wants to interact with me and have some treats, but once she starts up the EE takes off as well. If she doesn't settle down, I may have to re-home her because her frantic screams every time I come near the coop will make the neighbors think I am sacrificing chickens in my backyard. Overall, I do not like her at all and the fact that she was so expensive really sucks. Any advice (aside from hand treats) is greatly appreciated.”
“Rolanda is amazing ! so big so fluffy what a round butt shes a hog but so sweet and has taken the little silkie under her wing all 4 arrived healthy !”
“Nutmeg is my only Orpington, and she is absolutely beautiful. She looks like the photo, but larger. She is a bit timid and not the brightest bulb, but she is a sweetheart. She is much larger than any of my other chickens, but she is not a bully and I have never seen her even attempt to peck at the others. No one bullies her either. Overall, she is just a very sweet bird that loves her treats. Now that she is laying she isn't quite as flighty and often comes up on the deck to peek in the house to see what we are up to. She lays lovely large eggs that are a light pinkish-tan in color. I'm definitely glad that I was able to add her to the order, she is worth it!”
“Our Jubilee Orpington, Lady Penelopeep Featherbottom, is gorgeous! Her plumage is a mahogany brown with iridescent green and white spots. She is also by far my biggest chook. I have a blue splash orpington who looks tiny compared to her. She is quite aloof and the only one who won't eat out of my hands but what she's leaks in affection she makes up in personality. Also, despite her size, she is FAST. She doesn't like to be caught but once my kids nab her, she is very docile. She was worth every dollar I paid for her. Also, she lays a nice sized light brown-pink egg.”
“I have 2 of these beauties! They are HUGE, ginormous eggs and wonderful personalities. Victoria steals the treat bag out of my hand and makes me chase her for it. Elizabeth is docile and sweet and a bit of a loner. Both love to be cuddled and they are excellent with the neighbor kids. Both of my girls enjoy the chicken playground including the swings. Definitely add them to your flock!”
“They are probably the prettiest of my flock! They are beautiful, friendly, HUGE, and their eggs are just wonderful. Excellent disposition for kids. They are gentle and curious. I am getting more for sure.”