“Of the 4 chicks we got, she is kind, easy and inquisitive. We are happy to have her in the flock, no trouble from her at all. Makes me sad she does get picked on.”
These little ones are so very sweet but we are sad that it sounds like she may be getting picked on as the flock establishes their pecking order. If you feel things are getting a bit out of hand, please feel free to check our Frequently Asked Questions section on the website regarding excessive pecking or reach out to us and we will be happy to help you with your questions and concerns.
“I love our Orpingtons. They are gorgeous. They mostly mind their own business. They don’t want to be held the way my Marans does. But they love to come eat treats out of our hands and their plumage is really lovely. Very healthy birds.”
We truly appreciate your feedback and support and are thrilled to hear that you are happy with your Lavender Orpington and that Adelaide, your beautiful girl, has brought such joy into your life. It's wonderful to know that she is as sweet as can be! Thanks again for your kind words and for choosing our Baby Chicks. We wish you and Adelaide many happy moments together!