“Unfortunately, this chick did not survive very long, she just would never eat or drink on her own and even though I spent time every 2 hours to get some nourishment into her it wasn't enough. She was half the size of the other two when she arrived and died less than 2 days later.”
We were so very sorry to hear of the loss of your little Lavender Orpington baby and hope that the refund in the form of a My Pet Chicken gift card issued as part of our live arrival guarantee has been received in your email inbox. Again, we are very sorry for your loss and pray the remaining little ones from your order are doing well. Please reach out to My Pet Chicken any time you have questions or concerns, we are here to help.
Thank you for your review of the little Lavender Orpington chicks from your order! My Pet Chicken is happy we have been able to serve you and your flock well!
“We ordered a mixed flock of five and they all came in on time, all happy and healthy. They are three weeks old now and they are they sweetest chicks I've ever met. I highly recommend lavender orpingtons, they are calm and get along well with people and other chickens. Our lavender orpington is the friendliest and most curious of our flock, and whenever she hears our voices she will run up to the door of their enclosure and look for us. They are all great chickens and have had so muck personality from day 1.”
“Ordered one lavender and 3 buff orpingtons. They were all very healthy but from day 1 our lavender was quite a bit larger than my buffs. 8 months later and she's Huge! We named her Big Blue (big lavender didn't really roll off the tounge).
She's doesn't like to be held or touched but does like to be near people. Surprisingly she let's my bantams boss her around which is quite funny. Seems to lay very consistently a large tan-ish/pink egg.
Overall I'm glad I have her, but only gave 4 stars because all my buff orpintons have a much better personality and disposition.”
“Graycie was a fantastic, beautiful and sweet hen! Unfortunately, I went out of town, and a predator grabbed her. My husband was home,but he doesn't spend as much time outside with them as I do. I came on here to order another one, but they weren't available. I ordered 10 other kinds. I put one of her eggs under my Silkies, and it hatched black. I guess I needed a different rooster. Mine is a Super Blue Layer purchased on here. I'm going to keep looking for a replacement. Graycie was funny, loving and enjoyed eating cat food”
“I ordered only one lavender orpington to go with my new buff babies. She is beautiful and healthy but I could tell from day one her temperment is not the same as my buffs. She is shy and skiddish and will squak loudly if I try to pick her up. It is a bit disappointing, but each chicken has their own personality I suppose. Not MPC's fault.”