“Both my chicks came perfectly packaged and were very very healthy and happy! Im not sure they are light unless as they grow they possibly change to a lighter color but it doesn’t matter they are still super cute and friendly little chicks thank you!!”
“I sometimes look at the Light Brahmas here because they remind me of my most favorite chicken ever, Lucy, the light brahma who lived with us for 8 years. If anyone is wondering about this breed, they are curious, social, gentle, and hardy. Lucy had the sweetest voice too, almost a purr, and she would talk to me whenever she saw me. And though she was the top chicken of our flock, Lucy was gentle and kept everyone in line without a lot of violence. I wouldn't hesitate to get another of this breed again.
However, they are not very heat hardy so if you have hot summers, maybe this isn't the best choice.”
“These two babies are beautiful… Healthy… Puff balls of joy! I ordered two of these, along with many other pairs of different breeds, and the two light Brahmas that I have are thriving!”