“I ordered 4 d'uccles, two porcelain and two mille fleur. The mille fleur are so so pretty with their speckling and frosting of white and black feathering. They are the tiniest of my flock and very good flyers. They can fly to 6', but prefer to roost with their friends. These girls are busy, good-natured and like to be handled. They are the mildest in temperament of my mixed flock of BR's, porcelains and cochins. They are very fast. All of my bantams are kept in runs with protection due to their size. They do very well in confinement, but need ample green space to dig and do chicken stuff and have 3 runs to be busy in. These were such fun chicks to watch as their feathers turned and they are absolutely beautiful in appearance and personality. They love treats and Sprout likes to jump up and squeak every time she gets a treat from my hand. Beans darts in to get the treat and runs with it. Both like to be handled once caught. I would definitely choose to get this breed again.”
“I have had many chicken breeds, but the Mille Fleur d'Uccle is by far my favorite. Such wonderful personalities! They know their names, they love to be held and the best part is how attached they are to me. Once it warms up and longer days, they lay every day. I have 7 at present, along with 11 other assorted breeds, and have more Mille Fleur d'Uccle's on the way for May.”
“My Millie is 3.5 months old now. She is absolutely beautiful and has an awesome personality. She is sweet, doesn‚Äôt mind being held, and has the cutest chirps. Very friendly and fits in with the other chickens, standards, very well. I want more Mille fleurs.”
“I have spent countless dollars in order to get sexed female birds. I have never received 1 female. I have to rehome them, due to to paying a fortune for for an entire flock of roosters”
“Our sweet tiny Daisy. Solidly bottom of the pecking order. Someone plucked her beard off :( But she's still as happy as can be and SO chatty. Always talking about something, and sounds like a little parrot. She can also fly across the yard, shes so light. I love her so much.”
“I ordered 8 chicks in October. I got 6 different breeds with one Mille Fleur D‚ÄôUccle. She was a last minute add and has turned out to be our favorite. She is 20 weeks today, and not yet laying. If you are deciding whether or not to get this breed, trust me you want to! She will literally fly up on my shoulder if standing at my feet and chirping doesn‚Äôt get my attention soon enough. She loves to be held and will sit and chat the whole time and has been known to take nap. She is also in a mixed flock of Brahmas, Orpingtons, Americaunas, barred rocks and wyandottes and has no issues in spite of her tiny size. I‚Äôve seen her chest bump a Brahma She is absolutely adorable!”