“I have several types of bantam chickens, and by far, the friendliest hens I have are these little sweeties. They‚Äôre very inquisitive, and love to be held. They‚Äôll jump up on my lap if they think I have a treat for them. Definitely the breed I would recommend for someone who wants a snuggle chicken.”
“We received Hazel along with some australorps and Barred Rocks. Hazel is the sweetest little bantam. She loves being on our shoulders and is easy to handle once we can catch her. She is very fast! All our birds we ordered were given blue ribbons at our 4-H show, and our little Hazel took purple with my grandson in showmanship. She rests on his hand and just loves being around him. I will definitely be ordering again!”
“We loved our chick. She was happy, healthy, and so small upon arrival. Unfortunately, she was the smallest in our flock and we lost her to a predator. These things do happen, so it‚Äôs something to keep in mind when adding them to your flock.”
“Our little Millie is personality plus! She is so much fun. Very inquisitive and wants to know everything that‚Äôs going on. She is So enjoyable my son is making the d‚Äôuccle his hatching project for 4-H. He loves them. Will definitely be getting more.”
“I didn't try too hard to be creative with her name, lol, but she is the best little chicken. She is very talkative and always wants me to pick her up and hold her for a few seconds when I come into the coop. She will be a year old soon and I adore her. I am almost considering getting a Mille Fleur rooster because I love her so much and she does occasionally go broody, not as much as my silke bantam though. I highly recommend this breed.”
“I have tried different rooster. My mile fleur produces babies that look healthy but have bad scissor beak and end up after a month slowly deteriorating and not able to walk or eat, every baby she's hatched I have had to full. I will never hatch from her again.”
“It‚Äôs always nerve racking waiting on that shipment to arrive, so I ordered in a warm month. They all arrived healthy! 4 weeks later they are all still good. My duccle is so adorable and curious! Has all the features that she should, good looking pure breed.”
“Named by my granddaughter, French Fry is my favorite of my 5 back yard birds. This breed seems to have the sweetest disposition of the breeds i‚Äôve owned (buff Brahma, Cochins, Aracaunas - all bantams). While she‚Äôs the smallest of the flock, French Fry can be one tough cookie, often dominating whatever treats I give them (mealworms is a real crowd pleaser). But with people, she‚Äôs the friendliest and most docile. Since she loves being indoors, i‚Äôm glad she only makes tiny poops! She does have a diaper, but I rarely trouble her with that. My son built an indoor coop for her, so she enjoys a good part of the day outdoors with the other girls, but likes to sleep inside. Waking up to a chicken who‚Äôs decided to share my pillow is the happiest way to start my day! I would choose this breed again and again - very very sweet, plus she‚Äôs simply stunning.”